Winners and Losers: The Walking Dead’s Shocking Episode Leaves Fans Reeling

The post-apocalypse makes for some unwinnable arguments.

The Walking Dead fandom has long been vocal about wanting to see Rick and Michonne sharing the screen again, but the first three episodes of The Ones Who Live couldn’t really allow for a ton of adorbs romance, what with the CRM blowing up everything that shows side-eye. It was one of the gripes critics had with the latest TWD spinoff. Thankfully, Episode 4 was basically The Andrew Lincoln and Danai Gurira Hour, and followed the long-separated lovers after the third episode’s helicopter-escaping cliffhanger, wrapping with a totally unexpected happily-ever-after final scene.

In fact, “What We” may boast the most unabashedly positive ending of any episode in any Walking Dead series, from the flagship to its various spinoffs. There wasn’t a literally setting sun, but they hyper-figuratively drove off into the sunset with enough fuel to potentially get them back to Judith and R.J. without issue. Except for, you know, the extremely vital issue that drove Rick’s point through all the tense and emotional arguments that led up to that concluding shot. But am I wrong for thinking Rick was technically on the right side of things the whole time?