Cliffhanger Alert: Recap of ‘The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live’ Episode 5 Keeps Fans on Edge

Pollyanna McIntosh as Jadis in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 

The episode jumps back again, this time two years, to another meet-up between Gabriel and Jadis. They haven’t been meeting regularly, though; in fact, this is only their second encounter. Gabriel provides not only another layer of connective tissue between The Ones Who Live and The Walking Dead but is essential in peeling back Jadis’ layers. Through their brief interactions, the real Jadis — Anne — begins to poke through. McIntosh masterfully threads the needle between compassion and fury throughout this episode, making for an increasingly nerve-wracking and heart-wrenching progression. We see a side of her for the first time that isn’t all-in but is instead expressing doubts about what she signed up for.

Though Gabriel clearly isn’t going to get her on his side and sway her to leave the CRM, he lets Jadis be vulnerable. He even gives her the ring he found that he was planning to give to Rick to give Michonne, and says that it is a sign of faith during her time of questioning. They agree to meet again at the same place and same time next year, with Gabriel still left wondering why she’s fine with doing cruel things as part of her new community. At their next meeting, Jadis regrets being vulnerable and making him a “loose end,” even going as far as knocking him over and holding him at gunpoint. However, she finds herself unable to pull the trigger.

Rick and Michonne Are Fast and Furious in ‘The Ones Who Live’ Episode 5

In the present, Rick and Michonne are on a high-speed chase in pursuit of Jadis, who is at this point brutally wounded and weakening fast. After she crashes the car and stumbles through the woods, she finds the group of people Rick and Michonne beat up early in the episode, and makes a deal with them: they can join the CRM if they help her with these “dangerous people.” It doesn’t take long, though, for Rick and Michonne to find Jadis, as they’ve followed her bloody breadcrumbs (which she likely left on purpose to lure them) back to that gift shop-turned-sanctuary. It also doesn’t take long for Rick and Michonne to beat up those three strangers again, and for walkers to finish the job.

The rest of the episode takes a very morbid turn, as Jadis tries to hold onto her fearless persona. Between the shootouts and hiding behind walls, she explains to Rick that he was very close to moving up again in the CRM, as Beale (Terry O’Quinn) was going to give him the Echelon Briefing when he returned. If she dies, everyone in Alexandria dies. Michonne steps up, and talks (suspiciously loudly) to Rick about how Jadis is right, and they need to make a sacrifice. Rick says he will go back to the CRM and say he’s the only one who survived the helicopter crash. Jadis agrees to let Michonne get away and never say anything about Alexandria.

Pollyanna McIntosh Sends Jadis Out From ‘The Walking Dead’ on a High Note

Pollyanna McIntosh as Jadis in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live 
Image via AMC

Whether you’re a fan of Jadis as a character or not, it’s hard not to get choked up at the episode’s shocking ending. Seeing such a strong-willed character finally embrace the person she always wanted to be (and was, deep down) in her final moments is hard to watch. After pulling a gun on Rick and saying she respects him, a walker knocks Jadis down and takes a massive bite from her neck. Rick and Michonne are too late in getting the walker off her, and as it stands, the CRM will find the document she left behind about Alexandria and destroy it and all its inhabitants.

Jadis, however, uses her dying moments to do exactly what she’s been trying to prevent all along: She tells them where she’s hidden the document containing information on Alexandria, Rick, and Michonne, and instructs them on how to destroy it so the CRM never finds out. Even though she encourages them to not turn on the CRM, Michonne confidently tells her that after they destroy the documents, Rick is going to get the Echelon Briefing, and they are going to turn the city against the CRM.

The final minutes of the episode take the time to remember who Anne was. Her weakly uttering, “I wish I died an artist,” encapsulates just how much of a toll her devotion to the CRM took on her. She shakily hands Rick and Michonne the ring Gabriel gave her and tells Rick to do what he’s always wanted: kill her. It’s not nearly as satisfying as Rick imagined. In fact, he doesn’t want to do it. It feels a bit out of place and weird to have Rick propose to Michonne right after this moment, as Jadis’ demise was such a fitting cap to this episode. The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live has lost a key part of what made it so good, putting even more pressure on next week’s finale.