Scandal Alert: Gabriel’s Alleged Infidelity in The Walking Dead Exposed!

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live episode 5 raises concerns about Gabriel’s romance with Rosita during the main show’s run. Did he cheat on her?

Jadis’ flashbacks in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live episode 5 raise concerns about Gabriel’s loyalty to Rosita during the main show’s run. Sometime during the massive time skip in The Walking Dead season 9, Gabriel and Rosita developed a romantic relationship. It was understood at the time that Gabriel had moved on from Jadis, with whom he had been briefly involved with on the main show. However, a recent development has confirmed that though Gabriel entered into a romance with Rosita, his ties to Jadis were never completely severed.

The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live episode 5 dropped some unexpected revelations about what Jadis was up to between capturing Rick Grimes for the Civic Republic Military and her return in the new spinoff. In addition to the role she played in The Walking Dead: The World Beyond season 2’s story, Jadis returned to the Alexandria area, but avoided stepping foot in the community directly. Instead, she had a rendezvous with Gabriel, and asked him to keep her return a secret. Her request explains why Gabriel never brought up Jadis’ visits (or her community) in The Walking Dead’s final seasons.

Gabriel Was Meeting Up With Jadis While With Rosita

Jadis holding Gabriel's hand in the junkyard as they look at each other on The Walking Dead

The secrecy surrounding Gabriel’s meetings with Jadis means that Rosita most likely never knew about their encounters. This presents an obvious issue, considering that Gabriel and Rosita were indeed in a relationship when these visits started. The first Gabriel-Jadis flashback in The Ones Who Live was before season 10, and the second was sometime after the Whisperer War. Not only were Gabriel and Rosita together at this time, but they were also raising a child together during the timeframe of the second flashback.

While it’s important to note that Gabriel and Jadis did not become physical in either of the flashbacks, there was enough chemistry in their interactions to prove that something still existed between them. Gabriel giving Jadis a ring he had once intended to marry Rick and Michonne with was among the moments that gave the impression that some level of emotional cheating may have been taking place.

Was Gabriel Still With Rosita When He Kissed Jadis?

The Ones Who Live The Walking Dead