Maxine’s Devious Plans and Norma’s Cryptic Messages: Palm Royale Episode 4 Recap

Welcome back to Shiny Sheet Recaps “Palm Royale,” our weekly rundown of the new Apple TV+ series set in Palm Beach.

Each week, we look at five Palm Beach-related or key moments in that week’s episode of the series that premiered March 20.

Watch out: There are spoilers ahead, so if you don’t want to know, stop reading right now and come back after you’ve watched.

We’re on Episode 4, and this week we learn even more secrets about our new favorite Palm Beachers.

To catch you up: Maxine (Kristen Wiig) is an eager social climber and former beauty queen who dreams of climbing the social ladder in 1969 Palm Beach.

Coming into this episode, we have a few outstanding items: Where is the gold Rolodex owned by Norma (Carol Burnett)? Also, that $75,000 gala check Maxine wrote is hanging over her head. Will she tell her husband, Douglas (Josh Lucas), or continue to hide the truth from him that he’s been disinherited?

Season 1, Episode 4: ‘Maxine Rolls the Dice’

1. We get a lesson in Palm Beach wealth.

The episode opens with a flashback to a party at Norma’s mansion in 1949. Twenty years in the past, it sounds like someone got shot.

But what we’re really treated to is a lesson from Maxine, who in a voiceover tells us that while everyone in Palm Beach has money, not everyone is “truly rich.”

Instead, it seems, the true wealth is held in secrets.

Carol Burnett is Norma Dellacorte in "Palm Royale," which premiered March 20 on Apple TV+.

“I was learning quickly that in Palm Beach, an untold secret was like a loaded gun,” Maxine says. “You never know when it will go off or who it might hit.”

Secrets run deep in Maxine’s Palm Beach, as we’ve already learned in the first three episodes. That’s something where “Palm Royale” refuses to be subtle. Instead, it screams, “All of these people have secrets! And secrets are power! But let us tell you that in a new way this week!”

There’s one silver lining to the secrets being kept in Palm Beach: Dinah (Leslie Bibb) confides in Maxine that keeping a secret has spiced up her relationship with her lover. I guess, good for her?

Laura Dern as Linda (left) and Kristen Wiig as Maxine in "Palm Royale" on Apple TV+.

When Maxine actually confesses some of her secrets to Linda (Lauren Dern), she finds reassurance that secrets are basically currency in their town.

“Palm Beach is just a shell game, and you’re playing like one of the natives,” Linda says.

“I really want to be a native,” Maxine replies.

“Down here, you’re only a criminal if you get caught, and probably not even then, so you’re good,” Linda says.

2. Maxine and Evelyn may have missed out on the Rolodex.

Our intrepid searchers for Norma’s highly valued gold Rolodex finally learn what we’ve known since the last episode: It’s not where they think it is.

It’s also not where Robert (Ricky Martin) thinks it is.

At the beginning of Episode 4, Robert realizes that the Rolodex is missing from the shelf where he placed it, seemingly for safe-keeping, until Norma awoke from her coma. He confronts Maxine, but realizes she doesn’t have it when she asks him for help to find it.

It’s then that Robert realizes Linda took it when she was in Norma’s pool house, where he’s been staying. When Robert goes to visit Norma in her assisted-living apartment at Destiny Vistas — you might recall that I called Destiny Vistas “The Ghost of the President of Palm Beach” because they used an exterior shot of the Palm Beach condo and edited out most of the existing port cochere but left a whisper of it — he runs into Linda, whose father Skeet (played by Laura Dern’s actual father, Bruce Dern) is in the apartment next to Norma’s.

Carol Burnett as Norma in "Palm Royale." Her gold Rolodex is in front of her.

When Robert confronts Linda, she confesses to taking the Rolodex. Why?

“I have a secret in that Rolodex, and I can’t have it get out,” she says.

Robert asks about the other secrets in the file, and Linda pledges that they will end with her: “I’m going to destroy that (expletive) Rolodex.”

Meanwhile, Maxine and Evelyn (Allison Janney) finally get into Norma’s safe deposit box, where Evelyn expected to find the Rolodex, not realizing that Norma had it at home when she had her embolism.

Evelyn has absolutely had it with Maxine, telling her, “You really are completely useless.”

I’m not sure I agree. In this episode, Maxine really demonstrated her propensity for backstabbing.

3. Oh, Havana Nights!

Before we get into the depths of Maxine’s betrayal, let’s take a quick look at the Havana Nights gala, hosted by Raquel (Claudia Ferri).

First of all, the venue: This is clearly supposed to be The Breakers. While the show didn’t film there, they do lead into the gala with a nice nighttime aerial shot of the resort. Interior shots were done at a hotel in Los Angeles.

Maxine’s outfit — wow. She went full Carmen Miranda. She also appears to be the only person with what looks like a pineapple on her head, aside from the showgirls.

Kristen Wiig is Maxine and Ricky Martin is Robert in "Palm Royale" on Apple TV+.

When Maxine arrives, Evelyn calls her over to remind her about the Rolodex. (No “hello” for our heroine, Evelyn?) She also decries the tackiness of Raquel’s gala.

“Raquel took the most beloved hotel in Palm Beach and baccanalized it,” Evelyn says.

We’ve learned that Douglas quit his job as a pilot for TWA, thinking that the glory days, and his inheritance, are nigh. Thankfully, Maxine finally tells him that the inheritance he thought was he getting, is actually pledged to the Palm Beach Pedigree Feline Conservancy, which is not a real thing but sounds adorable.

(What Palm Beach does have is Palm Beach Island Cats, an organization that has helped the town get a handle on its feral cat population.)

Unfortunately, Maxine’s confession to Douglas about Norma’s money comes after the gala, where Douglas gets caught up in reliving the glory days with Dinah’s husband Perry (Jordan Bridges), ambassador to Luxembourg. Not only does Douglas gamble away what little money they have, but he also tells Maxine he wants to go into business with Perry — who doesn’t seem like the most savory of characters, to put it lightly.

The gala marks the return to Palm Beach of Raquel’s husband Pinky (Roberto Sanchez), who Evelyn says is a mobster who was just released after serving a sentence in Sing Sing, the correctional facility in New York.

We also get to see Maxine’s manicurist Mitzi (Kaia Gerber), who tells Maxine that the gala is her first modeling gig. Wanting to support her friend, even though the gig isn’t great, Maxine half-heartedly encourages Kaia, but warns her to be careful.

Mary (Julia Duffy) briefly confronts Maxine about the bad check she wrote for a $75,000 donation to Mary’s gala.

Oh, and Josh Lucas? We either need to see him dance more, or never let him dance again. One of the funniest parts of the episode is watching him try to rumba.

4. Maxine sure can scheme.

One of the key plot points in this episode is Robert’s attempt to gain guardianship over Norma while she is in a coma. It seems like his intentions might be good: to protect Norma’s assets.

Ricky Martin is Robert in "Palm Royale" on Apple TV+.

When he takes Maxine to court to ask a judge to appoint Robert as conservator, Maxine convinces the judge that there could be a question of who is the right person for the job. Her interest in becoming Norma’s guardian is piqued when Maxine learns that she would have control over Norma’s estate, including her finances.

But Maxine knows she will have to find a way to prove to the judge that she is competent. You can see the wheels turning in her head, even as she asks Robert for help right after the hearing.

At the Havana Nights gala, Maxine and Robert, who is there as a bartender, spot on Raquel a stunning ruby and diamond necklace that belongs to Norma — and that Maxine pawned in the first episode.

When Robert sees it, he tells Maxine that he remembers putting it in Norma’s jewelry box at Destiny Vistas.

Kristen Wiig is Maxine in "Palm Royale."

Thus begins a dance montage as Robert convinces Raquel to return the necklace to him, and Maxine unsuccessfully chases them around the dance floor trying to cut in.

As Robert triumphantly walks away with the necklace, Maxine begins to formulate a plan — or maybe it’s more of a scheme.

Instead of showing how everything went down, “Palm Royale” cuts to the next day, with Maxine standing before the judge and Robert in a jail cell. She sold him out and called the police to report that Robert had a piece of jewelry stolen from Norma’s collection. Instead of admitting that she was the one who pawned it, she let Robert take the fall.

And with Robert in jail and not able to come to the hearing, Maxine now has full control of Norma’s estate.

There is one catch: Norma has to move in with Maxine and Douglas, so they can take care of her.

Norma tries to talk at the episode’s conclusion, but all she can manage to say is, “Ruh-rah-rah.”

5. Linda was engaged to — whom?

This episode ends with a major revelation: Linda, whose real name is Penelope, was engaged to Douglas.

Yes, Maxine’s Douglas.

Josh Lucas is Douglas in "Palm Royale" on Apple TV+.

This explains a lot of the verbal jabs from Evelyn.

Maxine discovers this secret as she goes to put away Norma’s safe deposit boxes at the bank. While one of the three boxes did not hold the Rolodex, it did hold a small revolver with what looks like a pearl grip, and an invitation to the 1949 wedding of Linda and Douglas.

Maxine leaves the bank and rushes home to confront Douglas — but he’s not there.

A proper cliffhanger heading into Episode 5, which premieres April 3 on Apple TV+.

Kristina Webb is a reporter for Palm Beach Daily News, part of the USA TODAY Florida Network. You can reach her at [email protected]. Subscribe today to support our journalism.