Surviving the Zombie Apocalypse, The Walking Dead Continues Journey with Harrowing Challenges!

The Walking Dead is over but, as we know, the end of the flagship series that’s been in fans’ hearts for over a decade doesn’t mean this world is done. The show already has six spinoff series: Fear the Walking DeadTales of the Walking DeadThe Walking Dead: World BeyondThe Walking Dead: Dead City, and The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon. A few of them are completed; however, there’s a couple that are continuing this franchise.

Dead City, starring Maggie and Negan, is returning for a second season in the future along with Daryl’s spinoff. AMC has shared a sneak peek look at a couple of scenes from The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season two, “The Book of Carol.” In it, we see Daryl in the middle of some action and Carol being a badass. But most importantly, we feel their reunion brewing.

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon Season Two – “The Book of Carol” Is Coming

We are done with the first season of Daryl Dixon’s adventure, but there is already great news about his show’s second season. The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon will bring Carol into the fold. We don’t know if she will also end up in France or if they will meet in some odd middle. Either way, it will be good to see those besties together again. An early teaser shows that next season will focus a lot on Carol’s journey.

In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, showrunner David Zabel gave fans more insight into season two. He reveals that the Nest is a prominent location in season two and Carol’s previous comment about some mystery person coming back will come into play. “There’s also another clue… this moment in the radio call in episode 5 where she talks about something or someone having come back,” said Zabel. “And the impression we get, and Daryl also gets, is that something’s a little off for her, something’s wrong. And so that’s going to also function into the story for Carol in season 2.”

Daryl and Carol from The Walking Dead Darly Dixon season two the Book of Carol

The Walking Dead: Daryl Dixon season two, “The Book of Carol” will come in Summer 2024, which is shortly after the Richonne series ends. Norman Reedus himself posted the slick announcement in his IG stories.

announcement photo of the walking dead daryl dixon season two premiere window


The Walking Dead: Dead City Season Two Adds Anarchy to Its Cast

While this universe is trucking along with Daryl’s adventures, things seem to be slower for Dead City. We know that a second season is coming but we aren’t sure when that’s going to happen yet. Season 1 ended with Maggie trading Negan to get her son Herschel back. Now, Negan is working for The Dama, a dangerous leader in NYC. This next chapter will presumably focus on her organization and Negan’s attempts to escape… if he even wants to do that. Negan no longer has his family and really has no friends either, so he might as well crank up the evil again, right? As long as he stays far away from the Grimes family, I truly don’t care what he does.

Anywho, season two will bring new faces into the mix. Deadline reports that Sons of Anarchy alum Kim Coates will join Dead City‘s cast as Bruegel, the leader of a fierce NYC gang.

The Walking Dead‘s Potential Spinoff Crossover Event and The Ones Who Live‘s Future

As fans know, Rick Grimes was supposed to get three movies, but now it is the limited series alongside Michonne. The Ones Who Live is meant to wrap up their storylines; however, Gimple says there might be more story to tell. “Anything is possible — even if Rick dies in the last episode, anything is possible,” he said to Deadline. “We’re focused on this one right now. But this one came together in a really amazing way, where there were all sorts of plans. And then the world changed and we altered those plans.”

Rick Grimes sits against a wall with his right hand visible and blood on his face in the ones who live walking dead spinoff

AMC Networks
We certainly hope Rick doesn’t die because there are so many reunions that need to happen. Morgan is out there looking for Rick, Daryl will eventually return to the US to find Rick, and there’s the rest of his found family back home. All signs seem to be pointing to a crossover event, which Gimple wants to happen.

“I do have dreams of merging this all together, and I have laid little breadcrumbs toward that, but you never know exactly when and how [it will come together], because of a variety of reasons,” he told TVLine. As long as The Walking Dead franchise is getting money and attention from fans, it will surely keep making more spinoff content. That’s fine with us but please, please don’t follow the comics and kill Rick Grimes.

A lot is happening in The Walking Dead universe and there will surely be more details about other spinoffs if they happen. There’s plenty left to explore in the land of the dead, so let’s keep walking right towards these spinoffs.