Intriguing Discovery: Another CRM Soldier Identified as a Rebel in “The Ones Who Live” Theory (Not Okafor)!

One theory suggests a key CRM soldier with a lot of history in The Walking Dead could be a rebel in The Ones Who Live, and its not Okafor.

The CRM is arguably the most dangerous group ever introduced in The Walking Dead, but one theory suggests a CRM soldier could be a rebel in The Ones Who Live, and it’s not Okafor. After finally finding out what Rick Grimes has been up to for all these years, episode 1 of The Ones Who Live revealed the franchise’s protagonist has not been having a pleasant time in the Civic Republic. With the CRM obsessed with secrecy and security, Rick has been trapped due to the military’s strict rules that state no one is allowed to leave.

The Ones Who Live revealed that Rick took a role within the CRM to try and escape, and while he was unsuccessful, he may not be the only one unsatisfied with the CRM. Okafor’s secret meeting with Rick and Thorne suggests he could be a rebel as he has plans to change the CRM. His intentions are never fully revealed outside of wanting to change the CRM from the inside, but it seems he had similar visions to Rick about what the CRM could become. However, according to one theory, another soldier may share this vision.

Theory: Jadis Is Part Of Okafor’s CRM Resistance

Jadis The Walking Dead with a group standing behind her

Although Jadis has been an antagonist throughout the majority of her time in The Walking Dead universe, there are signs that suggest she was part of Okafor’s resistance. Jadis has had a relationship with the CRM for a long time in The Walking Dead. Before joining the group in World Beyond, Jadis’ CRM backstory began in the main Walking Dead series, where she seemingly had some form of contact with the secret military. In exchange for supplies, Jadis was tasked with finding As and Bs for the CRM, which could have been a mission set by Okafor.

With the CRM desperately trying to stay hidden, it seems unlikely that Major General Beale would set up this kind of arrangement. Instead, Okafor may have been looking for As to try and build his vision. Jadis’ Walking Dead exit involved taking Rick to the CRM, meaning she may have given Okafor the strongest person she knows, allowing her to join his resistance. Given the CRM usually kills As, it wouldn’t make sense to actively look for them and Okafor recruiting Jadis to find people for his resistance would be more logical, indicating Jadis may be a rebel herself.

World Beyond Already Hinted Jadis Isn’t A Real Villain

Pollyanna McIntosh as Jadis in The Walking Dead The Ones Who Live standing in a forest

Jadis was one of the main antagonists in World Beyond season 2, but the spinoff hinted she wasn’t a real villain and there are signs that Jadis was betraying the CRM in The Walking Dead: World Beyond. She appeared to be pursuing the Bennetts and attempted to stop their plan, but this may have been to provide help from the inside. Even when Huck was acting suspiciously, Jadis was uncharacteristically trusting of her mentor. She was also far more forgiving towards Silas stealing a truck than other CRM soldiers would be, perhaps because she had ulterior motivations.

While she does want to be part of the CRM, Jadis may be one of Okafor’s most trusted allies and could be slowly trying to change the CRM from the inside.

Compared to her sly and calculated decisions in The Walking Dead, Jadis came across as incredibly naive and incompetent in World Beyond. This may have just been for plot reasons to help add drama, but it seems more likely that Jadis had other intentions. While she does want to be part of the CRM, Jadis may be one of Okafor’s most trusted allies and could be slowly trying to change the CRM from the inside. Intentionally not catching the Bennetts who foiled some of the CRM’s experiments would indicate Jadis wasn’t a real villain and is loyal to Okafor.

Jadis Betraying The CRM Would Fit Her Walking Dead Character Arc

Pollyanna McIntosh poses dramatically as a helicopter hovers far overhead in The Walking Dead season 9

Her final arc in the main series seemed to indicate that Jadis had reformed, as her encounter with Gabriel solidified that even if she is still unpredictable.

Betraying the CRM would be the perfect progression for Jadis’ character arc in The Walking Dead. She has already proved time and time again that she isn’t the most trustworthy survivor by betraying Rick and his group multiple times. However, Jadis betraying the CRM would highlight that she has grown as a character, as she’d be fighting for a positive change, rather than her own selfish needs. Her final arc in the main series seemed to indicate that Jadis had reformed, as her encounter with Gabriel solidified that even if she is still unpredictable, Jadis had become a better person.

On paper, her involvement in World Beyond would suggest Jadis hasn’t changed and is still a villain, but if she was actually betraying the CRM the whole time, it would be some solid character development. Jadis didn’t appear in The Ones Who Live‘s first episode, but she will be a part of the series and likely have a major role. If she is secretly part of Okafor’s group, it would add an extra layer to her character and potentially make her a hero of the spinoff. She could even help Rick escape or assist him in taking over the CRM.

Did Jadis Want Rick To Take Over The CRM From The Beginning?

An SR custom image of Rick Grimes and Jadis from the Walking Dead universe

Rick taking over the CRM is a real possibility, and it could have been Jadis’ plan all along. With the theory suggesting that Jadis joined the CRM to help Okafor reinvent the military, Rick may have been part of her plans from the beginning. Seeing how resilient and determined he is, Jadis may have believed Rick was the perfect candidate to lead the CRM and support Okafor in his revolution. She knows Rick would never leave his friends and family to help the CRM’s resistance, and his injury offered the perfect opportunity to recruit him, even against his will.

Not only does bringing Rick to the CR save his life and give Jadis leverage, but it is probably the best opportunity she would have to bring Rick into Okafor’s ranks.

Jadis clearly wasn’t responsible for what happened to Rick in season 9, but despite potentially reforming, she wouldn’t be against bringing him to the Civic Republic. Not only does bringing Rick to the CR save his life and give Jadis leverage, but it is probably the best opportunity she would have to bring Rick into Okafor’s ranks. Episode 1 shows that Okafor has an interest in Rick, even when the protagonist is ill-disciplined. Rick doesn’t show any interest in joining Okafor or the CRM, yet Okafor takes an interest in him, perhaps because of what Jadis has told him.