Norma’s Mystery Deepens with ‘Revolver’ in Palm Royale Episode 6

Norma finally said her first word after waking up from a coma, which will likely play an important role in upcoming Palm Royale episodes.


The Apple TV+ period comedy miniseries Palm Royale has passed its halfway point with episode 6, which featured a surprising ending with Norma. The Palm Royale cast is led by former Saturday Night Live cast member Kristen Wiig as Maxine Dellacorte Simmons, a former beauty pageant queen who moves to Palm Beach when her wealthy aunt-in-law, Norma Dellacorte (Carol Burnett), falls into a coma. Maxine is desperate to be a part of Palm Beach high society and hopes to inherit Norma’s fortune, as her husband, Douglas (Josh Lucas), is her only living relative.

No matter what obstacle Maxine faces, usually financially, she does whatever she can to climb the Palm Beach social ladder. This leads to Maxine regularly lying in Palm Royale by exaggerating her closeness to Norma and deceiving those around her. To become the queen of Palm Beach high society, Maxine has to succeed in throwing Norma’s famous end-of-season party, the Beach Ball. With Douglas and Linda’s surprising backstory revealed in Palm Royale episode 5, Norma could have added another plot twist for the miniseries with one word said at the end of episode 6.

Norma Said The Word “Revolver”

“Revolver” was Norma’s first word since she woke up from her coma

Maxine Simmons smiling while lying on the bed next to Norma Dellacorte in Palm Royale S1 Ep1,2,3

Norma started Palm Royale in a coma due to an embolism. Her medical issues created the opportunity for someone else to take the title of queen of Palm Beach, and Maxine was determined it would be her. With Norma’s poor condition, Maxine and Douglas predicted that she’d die soon, and they’d inherit her great estate. However, Norma woke up from her coma after the first few Palm Royale episodes and has been recovering at home with the help of Robert (Ricky Martin).

Though she is aware of those around her, she struggles with communicating. Thus, Maxine’s inability to understand her, and perhaps purposefully misinterpreting her, has become a running gag. It wasn’t until the end of Palm Royale episode 6 that Norma finally stood up on her own and said her first word since waking up from her coma: “revolver.” Beyond what she said, the fact that she can now speak, albeit with difficulty, could pose problems for Maxine, Douglas, and their secrets.

The Gun Could Be Connected To Linda

Maxine threw a gun in the ocean at the end of Palm Royale episode 5

Linda Shaw, surprised, about to burn some papers in the fireplace in Palm Royale S1 Ep1,2,3

When Norma said “revolver” in Palm Royale episode 6, she was holding a gun that she’d taken off the wall. Though the gun was one of many on the wall in the Dellacrote mansion, the fact that the first thing Norma did when she was able to walk was grab the revolver suggests it holds greater importance. In Palm Royale episode 5, a gun Norma was hiding in her safe became a big plot point when it became linked to Linda, who accidentally shot her father on her would-be wedding day to Douglas.

Though Maxine threw the gun she’d found into the ocean at the end of Palm Royale episode 5, supposedly freeing Linda, there’s a chance that it might not have been the right gun. While the gun Maxine found was labeled with Linda’s name, Norma could have hidden the actual gun in her home where she figured nobody would find it. The gun Linda used was from Norma’s wall, and with the way things turned out the last time someone took a gun off the wall in Palm Royale, someone could be in serious danger.