Iconic Moment Recreated: The Ones Who Live Poster Highlights Grimes Family Reunion

The touching nature of the Grimes family reunion from The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live is captured in a stunning new fan-made poster.

A new fan-made poster has immortalized the most touching scene in The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live. After Rick was seemingly killed and separated from his family in The Walking Dead season 9, the Grimes family has been split apart. Michonne’s mission to reunite with Rick led to the stunning events that took down the CRM and left Rick and Michonne stronger than ever. The spinoff ended with the two reunited with Judith and Rick Jr. in a heartwarming and long-awaited scene.

To honor The Ones Who Live‘s ending, Instragram artist bassel.galal developed two posters that depict the final events of the show. Check them out below:

The first poster features Pollyanna McIntosh’s Anne looming over Rick and Michonne as they embrace. The second shows Rick gently holding Judith’s face, while fire bursts from a helicopter positioned by their waists. Beneath them and mirrored like the face of a card, RJ and Michonne hug. It is a touching reunion offset by the violent devastation of the exploding helicopter.

The Grimes Family Reunion Was Perfect

Rick & Michonne Are Finally Reunited With Their Family

Rick Grimes reunited with his daughter in The Walking Dead the Ones Who Live season 1 Ep 6

After ages of fighting and surviving, The Ones Who Live finally gives Rick the opportunity to live for something again. He’s reunited with Michonne, and the two take down the CRM and save countless lives. They fight valiantly and risk everything even though they both knew they could easily escape without much concern. Their choice to stay and finisih the job is a sign of their heroism, but it also meant delaying their long-awaited reunion with Judith and RJ.

Even the reunion is a shock for RJ and Judith, who will both need to reckon with Rick’s stunning survival. RJ hardly knows his father, and Judith had no way of knowing if Rick was even truly alive. Critics have praised The Ones Who Live for the romantic connection between Rick and Michonne, but their love for their family is another element that has made them such a renowned couple. After all, Rick fought the CRM out of love for his children, so a reunion was a much-needed reward for his efforts.

There are some bittersweet elements to the reunion, which bassel.galal’s art emphasizes. It took massive amounts of violence for Rick and Michonne to reunite with Judith and RJ, and it meant that they have suffered tremendously since the family was last together. RJ has never truly met his father before this, Judith grew older without Rick there, and Rick had to amputate his own hand while in CRM custody. It took countless deaths before The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live could reunite the Grimes family, but it was all worth it for this touching reunion.

Source: bassel.galal / Instragram