MonsterVerse Confirms the Dark Reason Governments Still Attack Titans (Despite Doing Zero Damage)

In the prelude to Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire, the MonsterVerse explains the dark reason why governments dispatch their military to fight Titans.

MonsterVerse military man standing on the beach with Godzilla's spine behind him.

If there’s one thing that’s been made abundantly clear in MonsterVerse canon, it’s that the Titans are truly god-like in terms of how utterly unstoppable they are. That’s why Godzilla is considered an ally to humanity, as he’s the only one with the power to take down a potentially world-ending kaiju. And yet, governments around the world still sink billions of dollars into their military to continue launching futile attacks against any given Titan. But, why? Well, the MonsterVerse may have just answered that question, and the reason is decidedly dark.

In Godzilla X Kong: The Hunted by Brian Buccellato, Dario Formisani, Drew Johnson, and Zid, Godzilla is tracking a Titan that’s decimating nuclear power plants and consuming their radiation around the globe: Titanus Scylla. Scylla is a giant spider/crab-like kaiju that fans will recognize from Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire, as Godzilla fights the creature in Rome. While the new film doesn’t hold back on the action, this comic (which is a prelude to Godzilla X Kong) shows the events leading up to their epic conflict.

MonsterVerse's Scylla rising from the oceanic depths. MonsterVerse's Scylla destroying human soldiers like it's nothing.MonsterVerse's Scylla consuming radiation. Godzilla emerging from the ocean in search of Scylla.Godzilla vs Scylla in Rome, setting up their fight in Godzilla X Kong: The New Empire.

That battle happens at the end of Scylla’s destructive, radiation-consuming march around the world, and Godzilla is far from the first one to try to stop Scylla. Militaries from a number of countries had already tried to kill Scylla using weapons of human warfare – fighter jets, guns, missiles, etc. – and none of them had any effect on the deadly kaiju. So, why did humans use these weapons to begin with? The answer: Titans are the perfect cover for limitless military spending.

Godzilla X Kong Prelude Comic Explains the ‘Up Side’ of Titan Attacks

Titan attacks are used to justify military spending (allegedly).

MonsterVerse's Bernie Hayes explaining a government conspiracy involving the military's response to Titans.As hypothesized by the underground podcast “Titan Truth” host, Bernie Hayes, in this prelude comic, the military (of any country) only attacks Titans to give the illusion of fighting back against the monsters, even if they know the attacks are pointless. Hayes asserts that if it looks like the military is doing something, then it can justify further spending by arguing that more money could result in stronger weapons that will ‘eventually work’ against a kaiju, effectively using Titan attacks as leverage to be granted a virtually unlimited budget.

In this regard, Titan attacks can be seen as a good thing for militaries around the globe for a number of reasons, and the only thing these militaries have to do to maintain this status quo is continue throwing their weapons and soldiers at Titans during any given attack, regardless of whether the attacks are actually effective. Obviously, this is incredibly dark if it were true, as it means militaries are willingly sacrificing their own soldiers by giving them ineffective weapons to fight with just for the sake of money – though it seems Bernie Hayes is already convinced.

Military in the MonsterVerse Know They Can’t Defeat Titans, but They Have to Look Like They’re Trying

YouTube video

This clip of fighter jets taking on Rodan from 2019’s Godzilla: King of the Monsters was shared by the YouTube account Flashback FM .

Time and again, military attacks on Titans in the MonsterVerse don’t work, and it’s not until Godzilla shows up that humanity even has a chance – and military higher-ups know this. However, they can’t just do nothing when a kaiju shows up, or else it may appear as though the military has become obsolete when it comes to Titan attacks, which would mean its budget would shrink, not grow. By throwing its ineffective attacks at any and every Titan that threatens humanity – killing their own soldiers in the process – militaries around the world can effectively flip the result of their ineffectiveness.

Giving soldiers weapons that don’t work after ordering them to jump into a fight they can’t win and watching as they die for the sole purpose of putting more money into the military with the promise of developing weapons that will ‘eventually work’ against a Titan is immensely dark. However, no matter how dark this may be, it does perfectly explain why these governments in the MonsterVerse keep attacking Titans, despite consistently inflicting zero damage.

Godzilla X Kong: The Hunted by Legendary Comics is available now.