A tie-in comic for Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire reveals an upgrade received by Scylla before her last deadly match with the King of the Monsters.
One Titan prominently featured in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire was much more powerful than fans gave it credit for. The smash-hit film saw the King of the Monsters hash it out with several powerful leviathans, but a new tie-in comic shows just how much more powerful one of Godzilla’s rivals truly was.
In Godzilla x Kong: The Hunted by Brian Buccellato, Zid, Drew Johnson, and Dario Formisani, podcaster Bernie Hayes observes a rampage while recording for his show, Titan Truth. Bernie watches as the large crab-like monster Scylla attacks the Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant in India.

A nuclear meltdown is happening, but Bernie notes that this isn’t as dangerous as it seems. Scylla consumes the radiation leaked out by the power plant, causing Bernie to speculate on what her plans are. He suggests she could be getting ready to procreate or potentially preparing herself for a fight with Godzilla.
Scylla Got a Serious Upgrade to Take on Godzilla in Latest MonsterVerse Movie
Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire doesn’t go into the background of Scylla and Godzilla’s fight. But this backstory makes it quite clear that their battle in the movie wasn’t an average dispute between the two Titans. Scylla was intentionally feeding on radiation, either to make more Scylla monsters or to make herself powerful enough to make a run at Godzilla. Whatever Scylla’s intentions, Godzilla sensed what she was doing and stepped in to stop it. It’s a compelling backstory that makes Godzilla’s fight with his rival monster even more interesting knowing Scylla was more powerful thanks to her hidden agenda.
Godzilla Took Down Scylla at Her Strongest
Fans may never know what Scylla was planning on doing. But what’s certain is that she was far more powerful than ever in her last fight with the King of the Monsters. Unfortunately, it wasn’t enough and Scylla paid for her defiance with her life. But the idea that Scylla was stronger than usual thanks to her consumption of massive doses of radiation makes Godzilla’s victory that much more intriguing. Godzilla fought a lot of powerful monsters in Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire and his first win is far more impressive knowing how much stronger Scylla was than usual.