Exploring the Unknown: Season 2 Buzz and Rumors for “The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live”

Will Rick and Michonne return for another season?

The latest The Walking Dead spin-off has come to an end. The Ones Who Live brought back two beloved characters who parted ways in a dramatic plot twist long ago.

When Rick disappeared from The Walking Dead in season 9, his fate came into question, and fans were unsure if they would see the sheriff again. However, the show’s creators didn’t forget about him – they initially planned to make three movies about his further adventures. These plans fell through, so instead, AMC decided to create a miniseries about Rick and Michonne’s new struggles.

Thanks to the new series, Rick and Michonne got a chance to reunite. They roam the desolate world, fight for survival, and slaughter hordes of walkers to find each other. Now, many viewers are wondering what’s next for The Walking Dead’s warrior couple. We’ve gathered all the information about the potential second season of the show.

You can also read up on everything we know about the Supernatural revival rumours.

Is TWD: The Ones Who Live coming back for season 2?

For now, AMC hasn’t provided any update about the show’s next instalment. When The Ones Who Live was first announced, it was described as a miniseries, meaning that it was planned as a short-term project rather than a multi-season tale. However, it was later revealed that AMC has changed its mind.

The creators of the show seem to be unsure about its future. Showrunner Scott M. Gimple recently told Entertainment Weekly the following:

It’s definitely going to go somewhere. But it might just be in my brain. It might just be my fan fiction. (…) You never know, but right now there’s nothing on the table, except my little fan fictions I write in the evening for myself.

Star Andrew Lincoln added:

Never say never. There are other very important characters in the universe that are still wandering around and alive that I think it might be quite exciting to have them breathe the same air and see how long they survive together. But it’s a difficult one. It would have to be like this, a really exciting story.

As you can see, a lot of ambiguity surrounds the series, and all we can do is wait until AMC announces its decision on future seasons.

 The Walking Dead: The Ones Who Live Rick


TWD: The Ones Who Live season 2 potential plot

Rick Grimes disappeared in The Walking Dead season 9 – he got injured after blowing up Alexandria’s bridge, which prevented the city from the walkers’ invasion. He was rescued from the river by the crew of a mysterious helicopter and taken to an undisclosed location. However, in season 10, Michonne came across information that Rick might still be alive and set out to find him.

The characters made a surprise re-appearence in The Walking Dead season 11 finale. In a post-credits scene, Rick fled from the Civic Republic Military (CRM) while Michonne was horse riding through the USA in search of her husband.

The Ones Who Live covers the journey of these two characters reuniting. As expected, the main villain was the Civic Republic – a powerful organisation that appeared in The Walking Dead season 8 and in the series Fear the Walking Dead and The World Beyond.

The Ones Who Live - Michonne


But what could happen in the second season of the show? Well, it’s a true conundrum since all the threads were resolved in the first season finale. The sinister Civic Republic Military was taken down, and Rick and Michonne were reunited. The brave sheriff finally came home and met his daughter Judith and son R.J. It definitely feels like that story had a fulfilling ending.

However, as fans of The Walking Dead know, no happiness lasts forever in this world. Sooner or later, a new horde of walkers or another bloodthirsty leader with a group of fanatical survivors may appear on the horizon. If AMC really wants to continue the production, the writers will easily find a way to bring Rick and Michonne back into the fray.