Bridgerton Season 4 Tease Makes 3 Characters Even More Important For Season 3

Knowing Bridgerton season 3’s ending has clues about Bridgerton season 4’s protagonists makes 3 characters more important & season 3 more exciting.

Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton in Bridgerton

Colin and Penelope’s development is set to be Bridgerton season 3’s biggest focus, but other characters can also become more important, at least based on one comment from the Bridgerton season 3 showrunner. Despite working as an ensemble TV show, each Bridgerton season always has a couple at its center as anchors, whose development and romance are the season’s focus. This reflects Julia Quinn’s Bridgerton books’ structure, as every book tells the story of a different Bridgerton sibling finding love, but each Bridgerton season also showcases other siblings’ storylines, whose relative centrality often suggests who the next protagonist would be.

Anthony’s turbulent romance with Siena that ended in heartbreak in Bridgerton season 1 paved the way for his centrality in the following season, and similarly, Bridgerton season 2’s ending unsettling Penelope hinted at her and Colin becoming protagonists of Bridgerton season 3. Showrunner Jess Brownell teasing that Bridgerton season 3’s ending will have “some clues of where we’re headed,” openly admitting fans could pick said clues apart to know which Bridgerton sibling will be the focus of Bridgerton season 4, confirms the trend of dropping clues about the next protagonist established by Bridgerton seasons 1 and 2 will continue.

Bridgerton Season 3’s “Next Couple” Tease Makes Benedict, Eloise & Francesca’s Upcoming Stories More Important

The Eldest, Still Unmarried Bridgertons Are The Most Likely To Be Season 4’s Protagonist

Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton playing cards with drinks in front of him in Bridgerton season 3 episode 2Claudia Jessie as Eloise Bridgerton speaking and Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton looking stoic in Bridgerton Season 2Luke Newton as Colin, Claudia Jessie as Eloise, Luke Thompson as Benedict, Ruth Gemmell as Violet and Hannah Dodd as Francesca in Bridgerton season 3Hannah Dodd as Francesca in the Bridgerton season 3 trailerHannah Dodd as Francesca in Bridgerton season 3-1

With Daphne, Anthony and Colin all married off by Bridgerton season 3’s ending, some Bridgerton siblings are more likely to become Bridgerton season 4’s protagonists than others. Hyacinth and Gregory being barely teenagers already makes one among Eloise, Benedict and Francesca one-half of Bridgerton season 4’s protagonists. However, the importance of the three Bridgertons’ stories by the end of Bridgerton season 3 will also more clearly point out who could be the next protagonist.

Eloise and Benedict’s prominence in Bridgerton seasons 1 and 2 could point to them being one of Bridgerton season 4’s protagonists, especially considering Eloise’s fight with Penelope in Bridgerton season 2’s ending that seemingly prompted her questionable choices of friends in Bridgerton season 3 and Benedict abandoning painting and the Academy in Bridgerton season 2. Francesca’s debut in society also makes her a suitable candidate, and Bridgerton season 3’s trailer already hinted at her central role in the season.

Brownell’s tease of Bridgerton season 3’s ending revealing Bridgerton season 4’s next protagonist puts a bigger spotlight on the stories of Benedict, Eloise and Francesca. While Colin and Penelope being the focus of Bridgerton season 3 already made the season highly anticipated, knowing that Bridgerton season 3’s ending will clarify the period drama’s next protagonist transforms it into a puzzle to solve, upping the ante of its consequences. Moreover, for Bridgerton season 3’s ending to drop clues, the storyline of Bridgerton season 4’s protagonist will have to set them up, making Eloise, Benedict and Francesca’s stories something to watch closely.

Knowing Bridgerton Season 3’s Ending Will Tease The Next Couple Makes It Even More Exciting

Bridgerton Season 3 Is Already Highly Anticipated For Colin & Pen But This Tease Raises The Stakes

Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton and Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington in Bridgerton season 3's stillsJessica Madsen as Cressida Cowper and Claudia Jessie as Eloise Bridgerton in a Bridgerton season 3 stillLuke Newton as Colin Bridgerton, Wil Tilston as Gregory Bridgerton and Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton in Bridgerton season 3's stillsNicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington and Claudia Jessie as Penelope Bridgerton in Bridgerton season 3's stillsRuth Gemmell as Violet Bridgerton and Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton in Bridgerton season 3's stills

Anthony’s Bridgerton season 1 story could have made viewers think that something similar would have happened to another character in Bridgerton season 2, hinting at their upgraded position as main characters in Bridgerton season 3. However, such an insight would have come just from a guess. Instead, Brownell confirming the existence of clues about the next protagonists in Bridgerton season 3’s finale makes it tangible, and something over which fans can happily obsess, as guessing it right would make them part of the secret before the official announcement.

Colin and Penelope being beloved characters thanks to their roles in Bridgerton seasons 1 and 2 already transforms season 3’s release into the most exciting to await. However, its trailer hinting at how different Colin and Penelope’s book story is in Bridgerton season 3 reminds viewers of Bridgerton’s tendency to change book stories if it suits the show better. Remembering the frequent changes and knowing that Bridgerton season 3’s ending has clues about season 4’s couple makes everything more interesting because even book readers could find the clues a puzzle to solve, not relying on the book stories too much.

Who We Think Bridgerton Season 4’s Main Character Will Be

Various Good Reasons Exist To Justify Benedict, Eloise & Francesca As Protagonists, But 1 Has More

Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton seated with wistful expression in Bridgerton season 3 episode 1

Eloise discovering Penelope’s secret venture as Lady Whistledown in Bridgerton season 2 sets the stage for her villain turn, giving her much room to better herself, making Eloise a suitable candidate as Bridgerton season 4’s protagonist. With Bridgerton season 3 involving her unexpected friendship with Cressida Cowper and a potential reconciliation with Penelope, given her romance with Eloise’s brother Colin, Eloise would work as Bridgerton season 4’s protagonist, as her role would have been relatively prominent in Bridgerton season 3.

Similarly, Francesca’s society debut and her effortless charm make her a likely protagonist for Bridgerton season 4, especially if Bridgerton season 3 were to detail her courtship, which in When He Was Wicked was described as very quick with her first husband John. This would easily open the door for Bridgerton season 4 to introduce Francesca’s steamy romance with Michael Stirling years after her brief marriage with John Stirling, Earl of Kilmartin, is cut short by his sudden death.

However, hints dropped during February’s sneak peek event and stills from season 3 suggest Bridgerton season 4 will tell Benedict’s story. Thompson describing Benedict as uncertain about his identity in Bridgerton season 3, coupled with his artistic exploits in Bridgerton season 2 cut short by learning Anthony bought his spot in the Academy, right after Bridgerton season 1 saw him relatively lost, makes Benedict the most likely Bridgerton season 4 protagonist. After all, Benedict consistently tried to find who he was since Bridgerton season 1.

Finding himself just like at the beginning, without painting as his purpose, lonely and uncertain about who he wants to be can easily set up Benedict’s book story to be told in Bridgerton season 4, as he meets Sophie having exactly the same mindset in An Offer From A GentlemanBenedict’s book story and his storyline featuring prominently in all Bridgerton seasons thus make him the most likely to be at the center of Bridgerton season 4, reestablishing the book order and the order of Bridgerton telling the siblings’ stories from the eldest to the youngest.