VIDEO: On the day of her birthday, the grandchild gives a message to the grandmother on the radio, which brings the grandmother to tears…

An emotional birthday present is broadcast over the radio to Grandma, which prompts the kind-hearted lady to vigorously wipe away her emotions after hearing the news. And just as she was about to come to that conclusion, her grandson interrupts her and tells her that there is more!

The upbeat beginning of the movie makes you want the grandma to start rocking out as soon as she gets into the vehicle with her grandson, David Goodings, since it gives you the want to do so.

In the video, she is just referred to as “Nan,” and she travels all the way across town without speaking. The radio may give the impression that it is playing properly until static begins to interfere with the broadcast.

The soundtrack that begins playing immediately after the static is just a birthday present for grandmother.

Probably the voice of the grandson who was driving. David begins to speak. We interrupt this show to bring you some breaking news, the announcer adds. Please take careful attention while you listen.

Nan is attentive but initially unresponsive. The voice is still audible.

New information just in: Today is Iris Howard’s birthday, so happy birthday to her! She then reacts with a grin, and her grandson laughs as well.

The tape continues by complimenting Nan, stating that she is well-liked, and saying that today is her 86th birthday.

After that, birthday messages from her loved ones start playing, wishing her the best on her special day. Her reaction is prompted by the loud benediction that is being broadcast over the radio. The feeling develops into joyful tears as she continues to cycle and listen to the kind things that are spoken to her.

Nan was praised by a large number of individuals, which is evidence that she made an impact on each and every one of them. The bulk of the four-minute video clip consists of several people complimenting her in various ways.

After all was said and done, David and Nan discussed the experience. He beamed with happiness as he related the story of the birthday present his grandmother had received to his sad Nan.

All we wanted to do was let you know how much you meant to us.

At the end of the video, he wished Nan a happy birthday by playing the song “Happy Birthday.”

The video has been brought to the attention of a great number of people who use the internet, including ITV News, which said in the comment section: “Hi David, this video is excellent. Would it be okay with you if we used it on our Facebook page and gave you credit for it? ITV News Marcus.”

David you legend, authored The Sun, a separate business. On the video desk over here, you’ve made our week. We would be more than happy to use [this] with proper attribution on the website and Facebook page of The Sun. Is there any problem with that?”

The birthday surprise for Grandma is a beautiful way to be reminded of how important it is to honor our elders, including our parents, grandparents, and any other individuals who lived in the generations before us and passed on their wisdom to us. Where would we be if we didn’t have them?

Watch the video below…

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