New Mom Fears She’ll Get A Ticket, But The Officer Looks In The Back Seat And Calls His Own Wife

A new mom was pulled over by a State Trooper while driving along a highway in Tennessee.

She was scared she’d get a ticket or worse, but once the officer saw what was really going on something amazing happened.

She shared her story on the Tennessee Highway Patrol’s Facebook page,

I was pulled over Wed morning by a TN State Trooper. When he came up to the car he asked “Why are the two boys in the back seat not in car seats?” My answer was the two little boys were my foster sons who I had just got the night before. I showed him paper work and explained to him that when I got them they had the clothes they were wearing and that is about it. No carseat, no toys, no coats, and so on.

He was very nice to the kids and to me. He asked me for my phone number. I gave it to him. His wife called me and asked about the boys. This morning Officer Tidwell met me in Waverly, him and his wife had purchased gifts for the boys. Not just the two boys in the back seat but, their older brother too.

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