Decorated WWII Pa. veteran celebrates 104th birthday

A World War II veteran from Delaware County celebrated his 104th birthday.

Joseph Passaretti, a decorated World War II US Army veteran met with family, friends and Folcroft city officials Friday at his beloved Folcroft Diner to celebrate his 104th birthday.

He was greeted with a cake and the crowd sang happy birthday to him.
Mr. Passaretti is in good health, his family says, and frequents the diner once a week with friends for breakfast.

His family also says he is very proud of his military service and still wears his uniform for special occasions.

“I was in the Army, the 36th Infantry Division,” Mr. Passaretti said. “We went all the way into Africa. And, then we went to France and Italy. And, finally into Germany. And, we won the war.”