The three sisters have lived for more than a hundred years.Frances Kompus is celebrating her 100th birthday with her two sisters Julia Kopriva and Lucy Pochop who are 104 and 102 years old.
They have lived all these years together cherishing every moment in their life.
Frances’s birthday party was held at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Atwood, Kansas and about 50 people were present at the party. The church is a memorable one for Frances as it’s the place where her sisters and herself got baptized, confirmed, and married.
“The party was great and I loved that it was held in the Atwood Church,” Kampus told the USA.
The sisters were grateful for everyone who attended the party to make Kompus’s day better. But it’s not what they were most grateful for.
As Kopriva told KSN-TV, they were most thankful for their parents, their faith, and most importantly for them, the three sisters themselves for being together all the time.
The three sisters grew up on a farm in Beardsley, Kansas from little age. “The work was pretty hard sometimes, but it was fun as we were together,” said Kompus.
According to her, the farm they grew up in was started by their grandparents when they immigrated from Czechoslovakia. “I had many rooster friends and few geese to play with. It was beautiful,” she added.
” We had a tractor on our farm and we were used to running it all the time,” she said. The vehicles in the past were not as developed as the ones today. Therefore, they had to carry 5-gallon buckets of fuel to the field by themselves.
Kompus said, “we loved to go for walks in the evening. We walk through the fields until we reach the creek to catch frogs.”
The amazing thing is that the sisters did all these while wearing dresses as the girl didn’t wear pants in the past. They even survived the great depression on their farm. As there was a shortage of food at the time, they eat chicken with dry beans for all three meals.
” It was the same menu all the time. We had bread, plain potatoes, gravy, and meat. cooking with the cookstoves back then was exhausting. when it comes to baking bread and other pastries we always faced difficulties, trying to keep the temperature constant. Even if the food didn’t come out well, we ate it “, Kopriva shared.
According to Kompus, eating well and eating healthy is what helped them live longer. “We didn’t have fancy food to eat but our y
tummies were always full with healthy food”, she said to USA TODAY.
The sisters also credited their social life and walking, which gave constant exercise to their bodies for keeping them healthy and happy.
“Always be thankful to your parents and grandparents for the life they gave you. Stay away from sins and live truthfully,” said Kopriva, addressing the younger generation.
The three sisters love to sit and talk about the past. “I remember walking to the school. It was a long walk which took hours,” said Pochop.
Even after the three sisters got married, forming their own families and responsibilities, they didn’t forget to call their sisters every day. They always were in touch with each other.
“When we had family celebrations, the house was always full of people. Our aunts, uncles, cousins, grandparents, and everyone in the family. It was just wonderful.
We lived in harmony and always valued each other”, said Valybe Pochp, a niece of the three sisters.
“We’ve been together so long that it’s a century, but still any of us don’t feel that old,” Kopriva said.
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