Stepdad surprises the young girl by revealing that she is legally been adopted; the reaction is priceless.

When 10-year-old Camryn walked out of the class into the hallway, she wasn’t expecting to get such a big surprise.

Getting gifts is exciting, and it feels awesome too. But it’s not better than giving a gift to somebody.

The fulfilling feeling that we get to go through is priceless. A tangible gift is nice but not as good as a gift, which has a more emotional attachment to the person receiving the gift. The gift that Camryn got was one such gift. According to her, it was the best day of her life.

Myke Rousell met her wife Sarah five years ago and started dating. But they both already had their separate families and children. Therefore, as a couple, they parented four children.

From the first moment Myke met Camryn, Sarah’s daughter, he felt close to her. Camryn also felt the same. And it was the beginning of a wonderful relationship.

They became close to each other very quickly. Camryn was not officially adopted, by Myke, but she started to use Myke’s last name, just after two years of meeting. This depicts that Camryn was already accepting Myke as his father.

Time passed, and the bond got stronger, day by day. Camryn wanted to change her name to Rousell so she could share his stepdad’s last name. She already used Myke’s last name in all her life areas but wasn’t allowed to use it in one.

It was also the most important one, the school. It was required for her to use the legal name at school even though she didn’t want to.

Sadly, Camryn had to use her legal name at school, as it’s the place where her name was used the most. It wasn’t troubling her in a way that affected her mental well-being, but it wasn’t what she liked.

In the meantime, Myke and Sarah started the legal process to adopt Camryn officially. This was all done without Camyrn knowing. And after some time, it was finally legal. Yes, Camryn is now Myke’s daughter.

Myke and Sarah wanted to surprise Camryn with this wonderful news. Therefore, they went to her school and Myke waited in the school hallway with a sign with her new name on it.

Myke patently waited until Camryn’s class was over. In a few moments Camryn entered the hallway and what happened next is heartwarming. Both Myke and Camryn ran toward each other while their eyes teared up.

They hugged each other very tightly and enjoyed the beautiful moment. The heartwarming emotions made everyone around get emotional too. It wasn’t just a name, it was everything that Camryn wanted.

“Her new name is not just a new. It represents us as dad and daughter. It also helps her, and no matter what, now she has her dad by her side,” said Myke to GMA.

It’s no surprise that the moment was emotional, they both wanted it to happen, and it was everything they wished.

Myke adopting Camryn legally helped Camryn a lot. She was very excited about it. From the moment she got to know the new name she introduced herself to all her friends, teachers, and loved ones as a new person. Her actions tell the whole story of how important it was for her.

A name is not just a pretty word made of some letters. It’s an identity and valuable belonging. Now Myke and Camryn are not just two strangers with a special bond. They are father and daughter.

Watch the video below to experience the emotional moment of Camryn’s name reveal.
And don’t forget to share this wholesome video with your loved ones.