A story about a compassionate teen who cares for his Neighbour’s old parents.

The teenager spends his free time looking after his neighbour’s old parents.?

When children grow up and build up their lives, responsibilities pile up on their shoulders. A majority make this an excuse for not caring about their elderly parents, but it shouldn’t be. Children should always give their elderly parents the love, care, and respect they deserve.

It’s the responsibility of grown-up children to give them a better life with care and gratitude for everything they’ve done.

However, it’s not easy for a person with a busy life to continuously interact with parents, even if they want to. But if you have a friend, relative, or a neighbour that you trust, in your parent’s neighbourhood, you don’t have to worry about it because they’ll do it for you.

Tiki Jayne Edwards was lucky enough to find someone like that, yes, a person who she could trust. But the exciting fact is that the guy is not even related to Tiki. The young man named Romemylion Mitchell thought of Tiki’s parents, Trent Joyner and Cianne Joyner as if they were his parents. He checked about their living conditions and health every day, even though he didn’t have any relation to them.

Tiki posted a story on her Facebook about Romemylion in 2019, expressing her gratitude for his kind act. The post went viral within a few days, and Romemylion was complimented for his good deed.

Tiki wrote along with the post, “This sweet guy lives across the road from my parents. I’m posting this to appreciate and thank him for checking on my parents whenever he can.”

The 16 years old guy helps the elderly couple with household chores and does all the shopping for them. Romemylion goes to the town with his father Mitchell to do the shopping and delivers them to the doorstep of Tiki’s parents.

“I don’t think that many 15 – years -old would take the time to care for and look after elderly neighbours. People of this kind are rare, ” said Tiki.

Like other kids of his age, Romemylion is busy with studies, social life, and other responsibilities. But he always manages to dedicate some of his time to caring about his elderly neighbours.

He is just a kid with a big heart, willing to help his neighbours in any possible way. And also, Romemylion doesn’t accept any money offered by Till’s parents to help them. His kindness is above and beyond his age. That’s why this story is remarkable.

As time passed, Romemylion became a part of TiKi’s family, although they didn’t have any blood relationship. Trent and Cianne loved Romemylion as if he was their son.

While Tiki’s mom was hospitalized due to a bad health condition, Romemylion visited her.

“When he visited the hospital to see my mom, he cried, holding her hands. It was heartwarming to see, and I feel blessed to have somebody like him near my parents. I wish we could give him the good news about mom,” Tiki wrote.

This teenager is the definition of a real gentleman. What more could you expect from a boy of his age? I’m sure that he’ll become more kind and selfless as he grows up.

Watch the interview with this fantastic guy below!

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