The mother horse adopts an abandoned foal after losing her baby during birth.

When Queen Uneik lost her baby, she was heartbroken. Fortunately, her master understood how to assist her.

Animal moms adore their offspring as much as human mothers. Their wish is that the baby should be born to the world without any misfortunes.

However, difficulties do arise during the process of childbirth.

What we as people go through, animals go through as well. Mother animals are equally devastated when their offspring or babies die before they are born. Once they realize that their children are stillborn, they will weep for weeks in pain, and some might stay seeking for them.

Queen Uniek was a horse from Holland and anticipated her first baby.

She sensed something wasn’t right when she was taken into her stable for labour. She was panicking and walking around inside her stable since she was nervous on that occasion. Yvonne, Queen Uniek’s master, kept trying to calm her down.

Time passed by, and about an hour later, the horse gave birth, and then the vets extracted a foal who was not alive. They tried all their best but weren’t able to save the baby. He wasn’t able to come out alive.

Yvonne remained by Uniek’s side to console her.

The devastated horse tried to resuscitate her baby by licking him, but it was too late. They removed the foal from her barn as Uneik was comforted by Yvonne. She was well aware that Uneik was in excruciating pain.

Moments later, the Friesian Horse team got to hear some great information.

Yvonne got a call from one of her best friends saying that she had an abandoned baby foal.

She was unsure how accepting another horse’s baby would be Queen Uniek, but she believed it may be the answer to her pain.

The foal was placed into a vehicle and sent to Yvonne’s place. Yvonne wanted to confirm whether Uniek was interested in adopting the abandoned foal. The atmosphere was brimming with excitement.

Yvonne didn’t rush things. She took the foal near Uniek unhurriedly.

The encounters, in the beginning, were a little shaky. Uniek sniffed the baby, and the little foal sniffed her back. Uniek was overjoyed to have the foal beside her, almost as if she was adopting the foal. She expressed her joy with a little dance.

“Both of them were delighted. This is something I never expected to happen. I saw the happiness in Unique’s eyes right away,” Yvonne said to The Dodo.

Queen Uniek has always been by Rising Star’s company since that day.

The following morning Yvonne entered the stall and saw a heart-warming sight. The mother and son were cuddling together. Uniek followed the foal everywhere he went. Rising Star was constantly near Uniek while they strolled.

When Yvonne brought the two horses out in the pasture, they played and enjoyed it. As any juvenile animal does, the foal ran and danced about freely. Uniek was always near him, making sure to watch over her child.

Watch the below video to experience the meeting between Uniek and the foal. Don’t forget to share this with your loved ones.