The lady who lives with over 1000 kitties inside her home is the ultimate cat lady.

This woman gave one of her chambers to provide extra room for the kitties. We have seen a cat woman in the episodes of batman. Have you ever doubted

what an actual cat woman would look like? But no one would have imagined this because this is a unique situation.

Introducing Lynea Lattanzio, a woman who readily admits to being an “idiosyncratic, crazy cat lady” with a tremendous love for her furry companions.

She had spent virtually her whole life as an animal activist, saving as many creatures as possible, but still, she was sad for the innumerable creatures that live in the streets.

Therefore, she decided to take a slew of homeless felines into her 4,200-square-foot house.

Indeed, she currently has hundreds of kitties living in her house!

The entire house is full of kitties.

Lattanzio has a pretty big home, but still, it’s not big enough for the large population of cats in her house. Therefore, she moved out of one of her chambers to make more room for the kitties.

Although the house has four bedrooms left, Lynea likes to live in a small trailer in the backyard.

According to Lattanzio, this helps her stay connected to nature and spend more time with her cats.

Lynea started this no-cage kitty shelter about 30 years ago, and this is the largest in the state of California.

Over the past three decades, the shelter has undoubtedly improved the lives of innumerable kitties.

The majority of the kitties who found comfort at the refuge are homeless, stray, or orphaned.

According to the staff, the shelter has added more than 30,000 cats since its inception.

The website of this shelter states, “The Cat House on the Kings is California’s biggest no-cage, no-kill, lifelong cat refuge, and adoption institution.” “Our goal is to find caring, forever housing for orphaned stray cats, which would provide a secure, joyful, and wholesome home for unwelcome stray cats. The facility also takes measures to educate the society about responsible pet ownership, which helps both owner and the pet.”

Now 29 years have passed. Within the time, the shelter has been the home for over 30000 cats and 7100 dogs (the 56000 spayed and neutered animals are not considered). Also, the place has over 700 cats and kittens with dozens of dogs and peacocks.

Fortunately, Lynea gets massive support from her staff and the volunteers in making such a bunch live.

But it’s not an easy task by any measure. Other than feeding all the animals in the house, often there is one who needs some medical attention.

With all these Chores together, it is estimated that the budget reaches 1.6 million dollars once every year.

Anyone interested could adopt a cat from the place.

However, providing the shelter with enough funds is also a huge challenge. The organization has no method to flow income steadily.

However, a very generous person stepped in to assist the crew – Doreen Wallet.

The kind-hearted is a well-wisher who possesses lots of estates. She donated no less than six acres to the shelter, so they could expand.

In addition, they also surrounded the premises with a cat-proof fence; these allowed cats to enjoy some freedom, roaming around.

The special guests at Lynea’s place also attracted the internet’s attention towards her. She became viral with the name “ultimate cat lady”.

A video containing an interview of Lynes touring around her house made it to 10 million views on Youtube.
Positive comments were all over the video.

Some said that she must be awarded for the service she is doing. Also, has added a lot of blessings to our kind-hearted protagonist, Lynea.

Another commenter has written that she is not a crazy cat lady but a kind-hearted human who cares for animals. I, too, agree with this idea.

So, let’s visit the cat lady’s place. Just click the video below.

Also, don’t forget to share this with your loved ones.