A teacher – A hero; who made a great sacrifice to cherish his student that was halted entering the graduation ceremony.

Daverius has pushed pretty hard to miss his big moment.

There are two types of students trying to make it to their graduation. Type one; the students with loving and supportive families, a safe place to live, food on time, and all the basic needs they want. The others are the strugglers. They do struggle even to make their basics fulfilled.

Even if all of their requirements are addressed, teenagers face various personal challenges. Graduating from high school may be a remarkable achievement. But imagine being halted from walking over to the graduation ceremony, also, just because of the choice of footwear of the student.

Daverius Peters, in his chance to graduate from Hahnville High School in Boutte, Louisiana – that’s precisely what happened to him.

However, a selfless teacher named John Butler stopped the tragedy. Possibly he had to stand for the whole graduation ceremony in his socks.

Peters wore the appropriate purple cap and gown as he walked to the convention ceremony.

But at the premises, she was paused from entering the ceremony. The school’s representative said that his shoes made him stop.

The representative stated his shoes were in violation of the dress code. Peters explained that he wouldn’t be able to attend the event until he changed them.

Male students were expected to wear dark dress shoes at graduation, with “athletic shoes” being prohibited.

Peters wore white-soled black leather shoes.

He figured because they’re black, he’d be able to wear them, she told The Washington Post.

Peters has dressed appropriately for the occasion, with a white dress shirt, a tie, and black dress slacks.

That, however, was not enough.

The poor student was shocked and embarrassed. He just wanted to get his diploma on the stage.

He started to panic since he had no time to buy a new pair of shoes.

In a panic, Daverius said to Mr John, they’re not going to let him graduate.’ Once he asked what the reason was, Peter said it was because of his shoes – Butler told CBS News.

It was “insane,” Butler added, because they wouldn’t let Peters in due to his shoes.

“His sneakers were nothing out of the ordinary,” Butler added.

Butler even tried to show that Peter was him to let the woman allow the boy inside the hall.
However, she was insistent about not allowing this young fellow in. It was no use arguing with her.

The selfless teacher didn’t hesitate to favour his student.

It was kind of a child’s play. The teacher mentioned that he would not allow Peter to miss the most important day of his life because of a silly dressing logic.

The teacher’s shoes were a bit bigger on Peters’s legs. Yet the pair will make Peter pass the barriers made upon him.

The pair of shoes were like slippers for Peter. However, he felt relieved. From that point, he was looking forward with much eagerness to walk in front of everyone to get graduated.

For Peter, his teacher is a real-life hero.

Yet Peter wasn’t astonished since Mr Butler is the sort of person who does things like that. He sometimes even takes all the class for a walk around the school, asking if there are any hardships.

Butler wants to meet with administrators to address the dress code and what transpired during graduation.

Butler was so upset that the school was trying to ruin such a great moment for a kid over such a little thing.

Peters’ parents also expressed their displeasure with the situation.

Jima Smith, his mother, stated; that Peter worked so hard, and for someone to simply tear it away from him, that was frustrating to her.” She also questioned, What if she couldn’t afford to buy the shoes for him? The incident would have happened to any child. If not for Mr Butler, Peter would have to be outside with his life sometimes ruined.

The school system has stated that the policy would be reviewed.

Let’s pray for more people like Mr Butler and share this with your loved ones.