Renita Smith returned to a flaming bus to ensure that she didn’t miss any child inside. “It’s my responsibility. Until I take them to their parents safely, they’re my children,” said Smith.

Working as a bus driver is a challenging profession.
From the time they are picked up at their houses until they get to school, the driver must ensure that each and every kid on board is secure and relaxed.
It isn’t wrong if we say that the worst fear of a bus driver is an accident that puts these kids’ lives in jeopardy.
Renita Smith was transporting the last group of students from Glenarden Woods and Robert Goddard Elementary Colleges, and it was a typical Monday for everybody.
Then something unexpected happened.
She saw the brake lights illuminating unusually while dropping a child off at her third stop. She then chose to take the bus to the closest stoplight, which was only a short distance away.
Next, Smith heard a child cry.
One child screamed, ” There is smoke inside the bus, Miss Bus Driver, Miss Bus Driver.”
Smith responded by telling the students that she was trying to alert the helping units, but it was too late. Smith saw flames coming out of the engine.
Everything occurred in the blink of an eye.
The blaze was growing in size, and dense smoke could be seen.
Smith rushed to the entrance and began aiding the youngsters in getting out of the bus. She stayed composed and advised the children to be calm to avoid injuries.
People quickly gathered, but they were terrified to approach the blazing bus. Smith was assisted by a neighbour in guiding the children to safety.
Smith dashed straight to the vehicle that was on fire.
The bus was engulfed in a thick layer of smoke, but Smith didn’t stop. She went inside the burning bus and traversed the length of the bus, inspecting each seat.
Smith was determined to ensure that no kids were left on board, and she succeeded. She then alighted from the burning bus.
Everything was on fire.
People who gathered saw Smith’s bravery and felt she was incredible for jumping back on the flaming bus, risking her own life for the children.
Smith, on the other hand, thought about it differently.”
During an interview with AFSCME, she stated, “the incident reminded me of my grief at the loss of my son. It was absolutely a joy to return those 20 families and their kids back uninjured.”
The brave bus driver, the Smith, was brought to The Ellen Show on the 5th of October, where she unfolded the incident clearly.
Smith’s bravery astounded Ellen.
Smith, on the other hand, had just informed her:
“It’s my responsibility; till I take them home safely, they’re my children.”
Smith was astonished when Ellen presented her with a cheque. Upon discovering that she lived, check to check, Ellen assured to get her a hefty one—a $20,000 check.
More surprises awaited this hometown hero.
When Smith returned, she got a warm welcome from the children she had rescued. The parents of the kids, school staff, and some government officials also came to welcome her.
She was taken aback when she saw all of the children present, each clutching a card that read, “Thank you.”
Each person made a brief speech to pay gratitude.
Smith wasn’t able to stop the tears coming out of her eyes. In addition, the children sang the hymn “Wind beneath my wings” as a thank-you gesture.
According to Smith, the nicest present of all was seeing all children healthy, smiling, and unharmed.
Watch our hero’s conversation with Ellen below!
Remember to share this beautiful story with your loved ones.