A stranger travels thousands of miles to reunite a dog with his owner.

Halfway across the nation, Zimba’s mother left him behind and had no idea how to get him back home. At that point, a total stranger with a tremendous heart intervened.

Have you ever considered the possibility of a “pet epidemic”? You got the right one!

According to the American Humane Association, one out of every three pets loses their owner at some point throughout their lifetime.

Each year, approximately 10 million dogs and cats are either stolen or lost in the US.

Peeva, a company dedicated to preventing the scourge of lost pets, stated in a post

Less than 23% of missing pets in the United States are found by their owners, The Coalition for Reuniting Pets and Families says that this is the case.

A man goes above and beyond in this touching tale to reunite a dog with its owner.

Thankfully, the puppy was microchipped.

It is described by Blue Oasis Veterinary Clinic as a tiny gadget that is comparable in size to a grain of rice. It is injected into the pet with a sharp needle at the side of the neck, where it stays for the duration of its life. There is no other data on the microchip other than the one unique number.

The dog’s origin was later discovered by the Caroline County Humane Society in Maryland.

The dog was identified as Zimba, and they learned that he is from Wichita, Kansas.

The fur parent was eventually reached by humane society volunteers. They then discovered the intriguing tale of how he ended up in Maryland.

They were notified by the mother of the dog that her lover had gone away with the dog. But the pair split up while they were gone.

The boyfriend allegedly abandoned Zimba in Ridgely, Maryland, according to WJZ CBS Baltimore. After that, he stopped returning his ex-calls. girlfriend’s

Since he vanished, Zimba’s mother had been looking for him.

The knowledge that he was secure brought her relief.

But with her job and kids, she didn’t know how she would make the more than 1,000-mile trip to pick him up.

The animal sanctuary posted the following on their official Facebook page:

“We attempted to contact Airlines, but that proved to be a fruitless endeavor.”

“We even got in touch with the Humane Society where his mother had first taken him in. They too did not have an answer for us.

Then Zach Holt heard Zimba’s tale.

Zach and his girlfriend both used to work at the shelter. He offered to transport Zimba 1,000 miles back to Kansas when she told him about the canine.

He claims to only work on weekends as a bartender, so he had the entire week to himself and reasoned, “Why not?”

That was the beginning of Zach and Zimba’s epic journey.

The humane society had posted about their journey.

Zach hasn’t asked for anything in exchange for his trip. However, the locals contributed to cover the cost of travel and lodging. Zach captured their voyage at the moment in pictures and videos, which Caroline County Humane Society posted on Facebook.

Zimba eventually reached his destination and was once more in his mother’s embrace.

According to CCHS’s post,

“Zimba… secure and happy. We want to express our gratitude to everyone who has followed Zach and Zimba on their amazing voyage and who has given money or other support. Of course, we are eternally grateful to Zach for traveling from Ridgely, Maryland to Wichita, Kansas to fulfill a family’s… and a dog’s… Christmas desire. There is nothing quite like home.

That’s what the animal shelter said.

“Hopefully this will teach us all a lesson… We should all JUST TRY, as Zach remarked in his interview, quoting his friend Ben Cahall. We can all influence the world. whatever the size or shape.

They also stated:

“And keep in mind: chips do function! Without it, Zimba would not have been able to find his way home. and his mother had correctly registered it and maintained the information!”

Zimba’s life is now once more joyful!

Watch the remarkable cross-country drive to reunite a dog in the video below!

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