Husky melts hearts and soothes a newborn baby.

This is very adorable. ❤️

The Siberian Husky is known for being, shall we say, a difficult breed to own. It is a dog with a striking appearance that recalls its wolf ancestry.

Except for personality. A husky is comparable to a hyperactive toddler who ignores its owner’s calls once it detects an opening. This dog will run outside and investigate the entire neighborhood.

Chances are that you won’t see the dog for hours until it becomes hungry and returns home.

Unlike this lovely puppy. Millie is a very attractive husky that would rather lie down next to his owner’s newborn daughter, Daisy. It is a two-minute video filled with awwws.

See Millie’s eyes!

It appears that she is very concerned and willing to assist with whatever tiny Daisy needed. For the time being, though, all the newborn girl needs is her fluffy warmth. And Millie is eager to remain in her stay put.

Considering her breed’s reputation for being athletic, confident, and obstinate, Millie is now quite submissive.

And it only took one innocent baby!

“Oh, I truly hope that this dog is still young enough for them to grow up together. Certainty dictates that you will never have to worry for your child as long as this dog is nearby. She will risk her life to protect her,” said a viewer named Bomber.

And Bomber is absolutely in this respect.

Or perhaps Millie has just returned from a workout, which would explain her current mood. Or perhaps she simply ate a delicious meal. Whatever it was, she is not going!

There is always cause for concern when a baby is in close proximity to an animal.

Dogs are social animals. They will require some time to adjust, as they are accustomed to receiving your undivided attention.

This is what AKC has to say about the subject.

“Dogs are infatuated with infants and can build close bonds with them due to the amount of time they spend together. A baby and a dog, especially a little puppy, both desire a playmate and someone to provide them with attention.

Ensure that you are present to supervise. The AKC continues, stating,

The relationship your baby will form with your dog is one of a kind and can have physical and psychological benefits for their growth. Babies’ happiness is one of the most major benefits of having a dog. It has also been demonstrated that socializing with dogs increases serotonin and dopamine, the neurotransmitters responsible for good emotions. They are also enjoyable company.”

Daisy and Millie still have many years to live.

She has a loyal companion and defender in a dog whose heart is overflowing with affection for her.

This priceless moment has had 8,368,448 views. Still counting!

Just observe how instinctively Daisy clutches Millie’s head. And the dog is aware. She draws closer to the infant, savoring the moment because she wants Daisy to know that she will always be there for her.

It’s an amazing moment that you must watch! Click below to play!

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