The Abandoned Kangaroo Cub Just Wants to Cuddle Up With His Favorite Teddy Bear

A picture of an orphaned kangaroo named Doodlebug lovingly holding a teddy bear that its foster mother had given to it is absolutely adorable.

The uplifting picture that was posted on Twitter by Tim Beshara quickly spread like wildfire across the entire planet.

“I anticipated that it would be discussed in Australia, but it has surprised me to see that the image has been spread as far as Russia and Brazil. Even some of the morning shows in the United States of America have used it on the air.

This picture was taken in New South Wales on the property of a wildlife caretaker named Doodlebugs. The caretaker discovered that orphaned animals responded positively to teddy bears.

They seem to respond to the teddy bears in a way that is a lot like how a toddler would. They behave toward it as though it were a companion.”

Since he was a baby and left on the street, Tim Beshara and his mother Gillian have been taking care of Doodlebug. When asked about this, she said the following:

It’s possible that he rolled out of the pouch his mother was carrying him in, or that his mother passed away. When he was given to my mother’s wildlife company, WIRES, he had only been alive for a few months at the time.

The young kangaroo, who was in a precarious condition when he was taken in by the rescue group, has made a full recovery and has been released back into the wild.

“Since then, she has nursed it back to health, and as the image demonstrates, It is now jumping all around the forest and coming back every so often for the occasional feeding or cuddle,”