A young man with terminal cancer teaches us an important lesson: “I have already won because life is about living.”

“It is not necessary to win to know that I have already won, because in life it is about living and filling yourself with memories with people, I take many good ones with me,” said Elena Huelva, 20, who was diagnosed with Sarcoma of Ewing.

When we talk about health problems or terminal illnesses, only those who experience them first-hand can fully understand them. These situations are so delicate that it is usually recommended that, in addition to medications, psychological counselling be available. The knowledge that your days are numbered, the insecurity that the treatment will work, and the thoughts that there is still a lot to experience are weighty emotional burdens.

However, sometimes we can be surprised by these people’s emotional strength. This is the case of Elena Huelva, a 16-year-old Spanish girl from Seville who was identified as having Ewing’s Sarcoma. This particular malignancy affects the bones. It usually starts in the legs but can spread to the pelvis and arms. After a time of treatment to fight this disease in silence, the girl decided to open up on social networks to share her situation.

Thus, this girl at 20 years old is already an influencer in networks, where she shares how her life goes by facing the battle against cancer. But it is not only this because she also seeks to support others who experience a situation like hers.

She recently had to be hospitalized, as doctors found cancer cells in her trachea. She may now be dealing with cancer without a chance of a cure because the illness may have spread to other parts of her body.

“It is very dangerous, as you know, it is where we breathe. I don’t need to say much more, that things are not going well, I want to make it clear that I have already won for all the love and for the people I have by my side, “said the young woman in a video from the hospital.

“It is not necessary to win to know that I have already won, because in life it is about living and filling yourself with memories with people, I take many good ones with me,” he added.

Although the outlook for her health remains uncertain, she knows that there are no optimistic scenarios for her disease, which has already advanced a lot. That is why she wanted to thank those who were by her side, both physically and through networks.