Since they were in the sixth grade together, Alan Robinson and Walter Macfarlane have been good friends. They became increasingly closer to one another as time went on. These two close friends were more like members of the same family. DNA testing sixty years later was ultimately able to validate their presumed family connection. The two guys who were born 15 months apart on the island of Oahu in Hawaii are really half brothers.
Both Robinson and Macfarlane were reared by their respective grandmothers; Robinson was adopted at infancy, while Macfarlane never met his original father.
They spent their formative years at Punahou Academy as classmates and teammates on the football team.
According to what Macfarlane said to KITV 4, “When we played for Punahou, we were both first string.”

Later in life, they became teammates on the Aloha Airlines softball team and sailed on Robinson’s yacht together. They also spent time together fishing.
Macfarlane was even there at the wedding of Robinson.
The two guys spent the most of their life living within five to ten minutes of one another.
They were completely oblivious to the fact that they were connected and had the same mother the whole time.
Robinson said, “The thought has never occurred to me.” “That’s what makes it so incredible,” the speaker said.

Robinson described the other man as “always having the presence of an elder brother.” We would go skin diving together, and although I would make a lot of noise in the water and splash about, he would show me the proper way to do it. He never failed to emerge from the sea with a more impressive haul of fish. And I was the one with the tiniest.”
Following sixty years of friendship, Macfarlane developed an interest in his history and turned to DNA-matching websites in an effort to get further information on his origins.

Cindy Macfarlane-Flores, Macfarlane’s daughter, told CBS News: “So then we began going into all the matches dad started getting.” “So then we started researching into all the matches he was getting.”
It turned out that Robinson was also researching his family history using the same website as everyone else. The two close friends quickly became aware that they had a blood connection.

According to Macfarlane, the news came as a “shock.”
Because my younger brother passed away when he was 19 years old, I was never blessed with any nieces or nephews. Robinson said that she initially had the assumption that she would never meet her biological mother or have any nieces or nephews.

However, if you see these two guys standing next to one another, it is quite clear that they are connected to one another.
Not only do they have a similar appearance, but they also have similar styles of clothing. People were so impressed by what they had to say that it ended up becoming viral. On Harvey’s TV program, the crowd gave them a standing ovation when they performed.