9-year-old with cancer meets baby sister before he dies: whispers 10 words that break parents’ hearts

Bailey Cooper’s family received the worst news any parent could hear – their son had cancer. In 2016, the young boy was diagnosed with Stage 3 Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma.

Suddenly, his whole existence revolved around medical treatments and visits to the doctor.

People had high hopes for a positive result, and for a brief time, that’s exactly what they experienced. The cancer went into remission, but unfortunately, it didn’t last very long.

Bailey returned to school and everything appeared to be normal until the family received the news that the cancer had come back. Unfortunately, this meant more chemotherapy sessions and visits to the hospital. Once again, the treatments seemed to be effective and Bailey began to feel better.

Sadly, in August, there was devastating news: the cancer had come back once more, and this time the outlook was bleak.

Bailey’s father, Lee, informed us about the news. He told us that it was already late Stage Four and the situation was even more severe. It was extremely aggressive.

The cancer had spread quickly. Doctors found lumps in Bailey’s chest, lungs, liver, and stomach. They gave him days, maybe weeks, to live.

Bailey was devastated upon hearing the sad news, but he remained resolute in his determination to survive until his baby sister’s arrival in a few months. Everyone hoped and prayed that he would hold on until then.

Surprisingly, the young boy showed his strength. In November, he held his new baby sister for the first time. His parents allowed him to pick her name: Millie.

Bailey’s mother, Rachel, mentioned that he embraced her and fulfilled all the responsibilities of an older brother – he changed her, washed her, and sang to her.

Following the birth of Millie, Bailey’s health started to deteriorate.

Bailey’s parents were hopeful that they could celebrate Christmas as a family. They urged Bailey to create a list of gifts he desired. Demonstrating his selflessness, Bailey requested presents that he knew his younger brother, Riley, would appreciate.

The extended family gathered at the house right before Christmas to bid their farewells. While Bailey’s grandmother wept and expressed her desire to switch places with him, the young boy scolded her.

He scolded Nan, saying, “You should think about your grandchildren instead of being selfish.”

Bailey’s brain was affected by cancer, and he had to undergo five days of painful radiotherapy. It was during this time that he informed his family that it was his moment to depart.

Bailey expressed his desire to remain, but acknowledged that it was his moment to depart and become his baby sister’s guardian angel.

Bailey’s family remained by his side as he slowly passed away on December 22, when the cancer overcame his small body and he became unresponsive.

Rachel mentioned that we spent hours by his side, witnessing his decline. We read stories to him and played his favorite songs.

At 11:45 a.m. on Christmas Eve, we gathered around his bed. We were aware that his time was running out. We gently said to him, “Bailey, it’s time to rest. Let go now.”

Bailey shed a tear before taking his last breath and passing away peacefully.

The family was shattered when they lost their child, but they found comfort in knowing that Bailey was now at peace.

Lee expressed that although they were numb, they were also relieved that he was no longer suffering.

The parents now attempt to fulfill the desires of their young son, who possessed remarkable wisdom for his age.

Rachel mentioned that during our recent family gathering, he instructed us to limit our crying to 20 minutes and to look after Riley and Millie.

The story of this boy is sad and full of tragedy, but his bravery, resilience, and optimism in difficult times keep motivating people globally. Even though his family mourns his passing, they believe his spirit and impact will endure.

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