Tim Allen Shares His Relationship With God

Tim Allen Shares His Relationship With God – Staff Picks

Critically-acclaimed actor Tim Allen has been one of America’s favorite dad on television for years! But Tim’s life did not start out full of glitz and glamour. Tim’s father was tragically killed by a drunk driver when he was just a young boy.

The loss of his father shook him to his core and he ended up turning to drugs to try and ease the pain. That addiction eventually led him to prison. Tim wrestled with faith through it all. He questioned and struggled but knew all along that there was a God who loved him. And God sure did decide to show up in a big way!

The day after Tim was released from his parole he got a call from a casting agent at Disney and things took off from there. Tim ended up in the leading role on the famous family show ‘Home Improvement’ and he shot to stardom. But he knew this was not all his doing, Tim knew that God, who he calls ‘the builder’, had a plan for his life.

He has now been sober for years and Tim is opening up about his tough life and his complicated relationship with the Lord. And this is definitely a testimony you don’t want to miss. Who else is saying amen right now?

Romans 10:9 “That if you shall confess with your mouth the Jesus, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead, you shall be saved.”

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