Video Shows Passenger Duct-Taped To Seat After Alleged Confrontation With Flight Crew


A video has surfaced showing a passenger being duct-taped to her seat after an alleged confrontation with the flight crew. The incident caused confusion among passengers, with the pilot making an announcement about a “bad situation” on the plane.

The Confrontation Unfolds

As the flight approached its destination, screams became more audible. According to a fellow passenger, a flight attendant explained that a woman had an outburst, expressing a strong desire to exit the plane. She pounded on the doors and demanded to be let off. Eventually, the flight attendants managed to subdue her and used duct tape to secure her to her seat.

American Airlines Confirms the Incident

American Airlines has confirmed the incident and stated that the woman assaulted and bit a flight attendant while attempting to open the forward boarding door. The flight crew took necessary measures to ensure the safety of other passengers by restraining her.

Aftermath and Investigation

Upon landing in Charlotte, emergency personnel met the flight, and the woman was transported to a local hospital. American Airlines has placed her on an internal no-fly list while an investigation into the incident takes place.

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