She saw a black spot in her daughter’s mouth and rushed her to the hospital

Darian Depreta, upon noticing a concerning black mark in her daughter Bella’s mouth, immediately sought medical attention. Initially, doctors presumed it to be a birthmark. In a detailed Facebook post, the mother narrated, “While Bella and I were playing today, I saw a smudge on her mouth. I tried to remove it to see if that would make it go, but it remained.” At the doctor’s office, despite attempts to wipe it away, the mark persisted.

The concerned mother mentioned, “I explained that my kid tries to scratch the mark with her fingers in her mouth and that the stain is somewhat white around the edges.” Consequently, the doctors decided to consult two experts on the matter.

In an unexpected turn of events, it was revealed that the black mark was simply a piece of cardboard that Bella had bitten. Reflecting on the humorous twist, the mother shared, “I made the entire hospital laugh when the doctors realized what it was.” Apologetically, she acknowledged the oversight, thanking the doctors for their patience.

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