Greta Thunberg arrested!

Swedish climate activist, Greta Thunberg, was fined 3,000 Swedish kronor ($325) for obstructing train tracks during a protest against a coal mine expansion in northern Sweden.

After halting a train in August, Thunberg and other activists were arrested and later found guilty in Lulea court for breaching the country’s railway safety laws, incurring fines up to 3,000 Swedish kronor.

Thunberg, a prominent figure in global climate activism, commented that she won’t appeal the decision, stating the fine was “a small price to pay” to spotlight the environmental concerns linked to coal mining.

The protest is an extension of larger efforts opposing the mine’s expansion due to its alleged contribution to global warming. Since 2018, Thunberg’s school strikes for stronger climate action have galvanized young people worldwide.

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