Flight attendant suspicious of a young girl and elderly man, only to find a 3-word note in the bathroom after take-off

On a flight from Seattle to San Francisco, Alaska Airlines flight attendant Shelia Frederick grew concerned about a young girl and an elderly man. The girl’s nervous demeanor and less-than-appropriate attire troubled Shelia. She confided in a colleague and hatched a daring plan.

While serving snacks, Shelia discreetly tried to make eye contact with the girl. She locked one of the plane’s bathrooms, placing paper and a pencil inside, intending to open it only for the girl. Shelia communicated her intentions through gestures while her colleague distracted the man.

The girl eventually requested the restroom, with the man in tow. Shelia closely monitored the situation. Inside the bathroom, the girl wrote a note that said, “I need help.” Shelia immediately alerted the pilot, who coordinated with ground control to involve authorities upon landing.

Shelia’s quick thinking and courage saved the young girl from a potentially dangerous situation. They remained in touch over the years, and the rescued girl even attended college. Shelia’s story serves as a powerful reminder to trust one’s instincts and speak up when something seems wrong.

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