Indiana girl, 7, buried alive playing in hole on south Florida beach

On February 20, a day meant for making happy memories turned catastrophic when both children were buried alive in a sand hole near where their parents were sitting. Witnesses and emergency responders frantically worked together to rescue the siblings. Sloan later succumbed to her injuries in the hospital.

The Mattingly family is now mourning the loss of Sloan, described as the “purest human being” in a GoFundMe page set up to support them, which has raised close to its $150,000 goal. The family and friends remember Sloan for her vibrant spirit, captured in memories like their visit to Sloan’s Luxury Ice Cream shop, a moment that now stands as a poignant reminder of their loss.

The incident has shocked the local community and sparked a warning from the American Lifeguard Association about the dangers of digging sand holes on beaches. This heartbreaking event serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of such activities and the need for increased safety awareness on beaches​

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