Christian Walker claims that several people “begged” his father Herschel not to run for office, stating things like “This is too dirty, you have a crazy past.”Know more below…

Christian Walker, the outspoken son of Herschel Walker, has additional comments to make in the wake of his father’s defeat in the Georgia Senate runoff on Tuesday, which was won by Sen. Raphael Warnock.

Christian tweeted late on Tuesday night, “The Truth: Trump contacted my dad for months DEMANDING that he run for office.” “Everyone who has a functioning brain pleaded with him, “PLEASE DON’T DO THIS. This is disgusting, and you have a questionable history… PLEASE DON’T DO THIS.’ We were given the finger in the middle. He ran.”

The young man, now 23, immediately followed up the initial tweet with a second one in which he defended his mother, Cindy DeAngelis Grossman.

Christian posted a picture of Cindy with the caption, “This is my lovely mom who’s had her name and image dragged through the media unwillingly.” Christian attached the caption to the photo. “After 18 months of following her, she flatly refused to give an interview to any journalist. After being lied to several times, I lost my cool and exploded. I’d like to give a shout-out to every courageous mother whose story will never be heard. We love you.”

Christian, who aspires to be a right-wing social media celebrity, did not make his first public statement about his father and the contentious campaign for the Senate that he is running on Tuesday.

In October, Christian disclosed to his family and friends that he would no longer be financially supporting his father.

Christian wrote on Twitter about his mother, who is no longer married to the former Dallas Cowboys running back Herschel Walker, “I know my mom and I would really appreciate it if my father Herschel Walker stopped lying and making a mockery of us.” Christian’s mother is no longer married to Herschel Walker.

He proceeded by saying, “You’re not a ‘family man when you left us to bang a number of women,” and he made the accusation that Herschel “threatened to kill us, and had us move over 6 times in 6 months running from your aggression.”

Herschel sent out a tweet shortly after Christian made the accusations, in which he simply stated, “I LOVE my kid no matter what.”

The candidate received an early endorsement from former President Donald Trump, who referred to the former athlete as a “friend, a patriot, and an outstanding American who is going to be a GREAT United States Senator.” The candidate also received an endorsement from former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson.

But Walker’s campaign continued to seek controversy, earning criticism over comments in which he voiced skepticism about human evolution and established his own, nonscientific explanation for air pollution. This brought the campaign into the spotlight and drew attention to the controversy.

In addition to this, he was caught in a litany of lies concerning other aspects of his life, such as his educational background, his career experience, and the COVID cures that he claimed to have at the beginning of the pandemic.

The focus then shifted to Walker’s private life, which was brought into the spotlight. A claim that the anti-choice candidate had once paid for a woman to abort a pregnancy in 2009 was published in the Daily Beast in October. The candidate vehemently denied the claim, telling Sean Hannity of Fox News in a televised interview that he had “no idea” who the woman making the accusation was. The accusation was published in the Daily Beast. A few days later, the Beast published a second article in which it claimed that not only did Walker know the woman, but he also has a kid with her. This claim was based on an anonymous source.

Then, a second woman came forward with identical allegations, which he again denied, and produced audio recordings of voicemails he’d left for her professing his fondness back when they were together. This lady was represented by the famed attorney Gloria Allred.

Walker’s residency in Georgia was being questioned even as voters went to the polls on Tuesday, with repeated assertions by many who followed the campaign that he lived in Texas. This added to the list of reasons why Georgia’s Republican Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan may have openly called him “one of the worst candidates” in the history of the Republican Party.

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