The father takes his autistic son to the restaurant to acquire the menu, and is taken aback by the way the proprietor treats the autistic son…

Because we come into contact with so many different types of people on a daily basis, the parents of children who have special needs are extra apprehensive about how other people will treat their wonderful children.

Owen, a teenage boy with autism, has parents who are very supportive of him, and they are working on boosting his confidence and teaching him life skills so that he may exercise independence in his own unique ways.

Daily social interactions may be a monumental endeavor for children like Owen, particularly when sarcasm, rhetorical questions, and the sophisticated parts of communications are added to the dialogue.

Owen’s assignment of exercising his independence included learning how to order from a takeaway menu at a restaurant, and Pat Long, Owen’s father, was the one who was teaching Owen how to do so. The whole day, we were well aware that we were going to dine at the Sun Restaurant. I n an interview, Owen’s mother, Sandra Block, gave some information.

Sandra said that the father and son were rehearsing how to place orders while they were traveling in their vehicle. Pat gently told Owen to go grab the takeaway menu and then come right back.

Owen walked into the restaurant at the point in time when he realized he was capable of achieving his goal.

A few minutes later, the attentive father could not help but feel worried when Owen did not return as quickly as he had anticipated that he would. Pat’s worries were impossible for him to ignore, so he made the decision to eventually walk inside the restaurant and investigate the situation for himself. When he first entered the restaurant, he saw an interaction that moved him deeply.

It seemed that Owen had engaged in conversation with Aye Thein, one of the proprietors of the restaurant.

Owen informed Aye that he is hungry after he had already made his order for takeaway food. Owen nodded in the direction of the beef curry when he was questioned about his food preferences. As a result, the kind proprietor of the restaurant gave instructions to one of the wait staff to provide Owen with some delicious beef curry.

Sandra was moved by the kind actions of the proprietor of the restaurant, and she showed her gratitude by saying, “That is just so extraordinarily nice, like how often can you imagine— I’m going to weep thinking about it.”

Sandra posted about what took place at the restaurant on her Facebook page, well aware that the acts of charity, love, and compassion that took place there are not as often as they should be.

“I [enjoy] Sun Restaurant in Williamsville. If you do wind up there, please give my thanks once again on my behalf for their thoughtfulness, and for making my kid feel like a member of the family.



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