Family join grand old lady Alice to celebrate her 105th birthday

Clutching a card from the Queen, dancing fan Alice Coulson is celebrating her 105th birthday.

Alice, one of the region’s oldest residents, has spent most of her life helping others, and is described as an “inspiration”.

Cake and bubbly were the order of the day yesterday when the centenarian was joined by family, friends and residents at her home in Derwentside Homes’ Stanley Court, in Stanley, County Durham, for a special party to mark the occasion.

Born in 1909 into a mining family from Dipton, Alice attended school in County Durham until the age of 14, before she went straight into service in Lancashire.

She later returned home to the North East where she worked in a County Durham store, and it was here at the age of 25 that she met her husband Harry Coulson. The couple lived in Leadgate before moving to Stanley, and had two daughters, with Alice also an active member of both the area’s Women’s Institute and the Ladies Club.

In 2001, Alice moved into Stanley Court, where she still lives independently, joining in the home’s full calendar of social activities and events.

Also joining her for the celebration yesterday was grandson Steven Bell, son and daughter Joseph Bell and Doreen Bell and great granddaughter Megan. Derwentside Homes’ older persons services manager, Angela Hodgson, said: “Alice is a real inspiration – she is still incredibly independent and a very active member of the community at Stanley Court.

“At our recent Christmas party she was up dancing and enjoying herself, and is a real hit with all the other tenants at the court.

“We wanted to do something to mark her latest birthday and are looking forward to helping her celebrate with all her friends around her.”