Ike Fabela, a veteran of World War II who is 105 years old, had an amazing birthday surprise when he received over 5,000 cards from people across the country. Originally, Fabela’s family only intended to collect 105 cards to celebrate his special day, but the idea took off and thousands of people sent cards with messages thanking Fabela for his service and wishing him a happy birthday.

Lolie, the daughter of Fabela, initiated a campaign to gather 105 cards in honor of her father’s long life and service to the country. She spread the word on social media, and the effort received an extraordinary response. People from every state in the U.S. and other countries like Canada, Germany, and Australia sent in cards.

Fabela and his family were moved by the love and support he received. Fabela served as a cook and driver in the U.S. Army during World War II, being stationed in Germany, France, and Belgium, and taking part in the Battle of the Bulge. Born in 1918, he worked on a farm and in a factory in Michigan, and eventually retired in Montrose.

Fabela is a proud and independent man who served his country. Despite his age, he continues to take care of his home and lawn. His family is grateful for the support shown by strangers who sent him cards, and Fabela himself is touched by the kind words and appreciation. He reads the cards daily and expresses his gratitude for the thoughtful gestures.

Not only Fabela’s family but also those who have sent cards and messages have been touched by the initiative to collect cards for him. Some of the cards contain personal stories of how Fabela’s service has affected the senders and their families. This act of kindness has connected people of different ages, making Fabela’s birthday a truly special occasion due to the overwhelming response to the campaign.

Along with receiving thousands of cards, Fabela was also gifted various items like American flags, military memorabilia, and handmade gifts. Additionally, local businesses were a part of the celebration, including a bakery that contributed a cake. Fabela’s family is appreciative of the love and kindness received and intends to keep the cards as a testament to their father’s impact on the lives of many.