An English teacher asked the students to punctuate the words correctly.

The teacher then asked the students to punctuate the words correctly.

The boy wrote, “Woman, without her man, is nothing.”

The girl wrote, “Woman! Without her, man is nothing.”


A Teacher Starts a Classroom Debate

A Spanish teacher was explaining to her class that nouns in Spanish are referred to as either masculine or feminine, unlike English.

In some words, the gender is different. For example, “House” is feminine, like “la casa”. But “pencil” is masculine, like “el lapiz”.

Computer is an object that can be either male or female.

The teacher asked the class to decide for themselves whether “computer” should be a masculine or a feminine noun.

Each group was asked to share their reasons for recommending the product. Here are four of their reasons.

Some men decided that “computer” should definitely be a feminine gender, because they think that this word is associated with strong, smart women.

We can’t see what is going to happen in the future, but we can’t change it either.

Only God knows what goes on inside our heads.

The computer system they use to communicate with other computers is not easily understood by other people.

Errors made while working can be stored in your memory for a long time, so you can always be sure to avoid them in the future.

When you make a commitment to someone, you start spending a lot of your money on things like clothes and accessories for that person.

After you finish your work, you can relax and enjoy yourself.

The group of women decided that “computer” should be masculine because it is a powerful tool.

To be able to do anything with them, you need to get their attention.

They have a lot of information, but they can’t think for themselves.

The adults in your life are supposed to help you solve problems, but sometimes they make things worse.

When you decide to buy a particular product, you may find that another model or version is available that is better suited for your needs.

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