Internet users criticized Kelly Clarkson’s weight, to which she responded with kindness and preached self-love

Kelly Clarkson is an award-winning singer, talk show host of “The Kelly Clarkson Show,” former judge of “The Voice,” and mother of two. However, most discussions about the actress concentrate on her weight.

Clarkson has never been ashamed of her body. She is a famous person who talks about how she overcame negative self-talk to embrace self-love with confidence.

The talk show host has also been open about what has helped her lose weight and has been honest with her audience about how difficult this journey has been.

Clarkson said in 2019 that she lost 37 pounds. After the singer boldly flaunted her figure, rumors about how she lost weight began to swirl, and the singer turned to Twitter to explain.

The talk show host said that false information about her weight reduction had been spreading, suggesting she had been taking medications to lose weight. But she quickly corrected herself.

Clarkson clarified that she did not lose weight by working out; in fact, she claimed to despise exercise. As others became increasingly interested in her and sought her advice, she revealed that she had read “The Plant Paradox” by Steven R. Gundry, MD.

The vocalist of “Because of You” claimed that the book helped her comprehend the science behind eliminating specific meals. She also stated that she still eats everything she wants, just with better components.

Clarkson also discussed how tough pregnancy was for both of her children. The singer said she was frequently hospitalized and that her body was not designed to be pregnant.

Clarkson said she would not exchange motherhood for anything, but she also stated that she would not be carrying another child.

Clarskosn’s ex-husband, Brandon Blackstock, the father of her two children, River Rose and Remington Alexander, has had a public divorce.

Clarkson is apparently ready to resume dating after battling that battle and ultimately putting it behind her. Because the singer has numerous gigs that have spread her thin, she has abandoned dating apps in favor of allowing her friends to play matchmaker.

A slew of harsh comments flooded Twitter, with some individuals commenting on Clarkson’s weight. Users were concerned about the singer’s weight increase over the previous year.

Some commenters said that Clarkson had not lost weight despite all her efforts, and others said that the singer was “really fat.”

Others, however, defended the singer, calling out trolls for being harsh and disrespectful, and complimenting her on her beauty, friendliness, and abilities for singing and presenting.

Clarkson, on the other hand, is not scared to face such criticism; the actress even reacted to a Twitter user who stated, “You are big.” She reminded them that she was still wonderful.

Clarkson has not only responded to these cruel comments with kindness, but she has also been open about the work it took for her to be confident in herself and not be impacted by other people’s projections.

Clarkson stated that she grew up with people continuously making comments about her physique. She was informed her figure was not “aesthetically attractive,” even when she was young and sporty.

So the talk show host learned early on to accept her physique and said, “Whatever, I am not going to please anyone.” Clarkson also stated that she was fortunate to have arrived at that decision before becoming famous.

Clarkson addressed the nasty remarks about her physique in an interview with Ellen Degeneres, saying she was surprised that people thought the bullying was new to her life.

Clarkson noted that she was the bigger girl on “The Voice” and as an “Idols” participant, but that hasn’t stopped her from embracing herself.

No matter how much confidence one has, some words cut harder than others, and Clarkson stated that negative remarks impact her as well.

Clarkson mentioned an instance when she was at a meet-and-greet, eager to interact with fans, and the first thing they said was an unpleasant remark about her beauty.

It stings much more when Clarkson is criticized by those close to her, but she understands she is happy in her own skin and attempts to communicate that optimism on her talk show. Clarkson believes that “we are who we are,” and that whether she is at her fittest or not, she is in love with every aspect of herself.

The presenter is extremely open about her passion for cuisine. She discussed the current internet fad of “Muckbangs,” in which individuals record themselves eating.

Clarkson quips that “muckbungs” were her favorite activity before they became famous, but she is surprised to learn that “muckbung” movies can earn up to $100,000 each year.



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