Photographer captures the precious moments of the short life of a newborn twin.

It’s normal for a pregnant couple to dream about meeting their babies in the real world. But for Lyndsay and Matthew Brentlinger, who lives in Ohio, the birth of two healthy twins was a blessing. Because during the pregnancy, physicians advised the Brentlingers that their baby, William, had cardiac problems and would most likely be stillborn. However, the couple welcomed their little baby William and daughter Reagan to the world on December 17, 2016.

Lindsay and Matthew were pumped about becoming parents. But the fact that William’s time on earth would be limited due to his cardiac problems was always scaring them.

Lindsay said to the HuffPost, “I happy to see them in this world, but at the same time, I’m worried about losing Will.”

Meanwhile, a family friend thought of an idea to assist the Brentlingers record their valuable time together. To make this happen, they contacted a local photographer named Lindsey Brown.

Miss Brown from Lindsey Brown photography was filled up because it was so close to Christmas. But, considering the situation, Brown didn’t think twice. She grabbed her camera and visited the Brentlingers immediately.

Brown told the HuffPost, ” I was booked up the whole week, but I couldn’t say no after knowing the real situation.”

Brown did her wonders on the Brentlinger family on December-20th, creating some stunning photographs. The cute smiles of the twins filled the atmosphere with happiness. She snapped pictures of the babies snuggled up close to one another, looking absolutely adorable.

“The babies were so cute and perfect. I can say that baby William was so ready for a photoshoot that his little eyes were wide open the whole time. The atmosphere was filled with happiness, but at the same time, it was incredibly painful to know the truth.” said Lindsey Brown to CNN.

The Brentlingers took photos with the twins and of the twins separately. I’m sure that the moments they spent together were memories of a lifetime.

Lyndsay and Matthew were fortunate to be able to hug their baby boy in their arms and share memorable moments.

Little William ended his short life and passed away after 11 days on December-28th. Matthew told 13 ABC that it was the best 11 days of his life, even though their time together was brief.

” When I saw the photographs, my eyes immediately filled up with tears. I don’t know whether they were tears of joy or sadness because the photos took me on a rollercoaster of emotions. The huge lovely eyes of William shining brightly makes me teared up whenever I look at the snaps. ” Lindsay shared her opinions about the pictures like that.

Brown is more than happy to hear Linsay’s opinions on her work. And she’s pumped that she was able to make the brief period memorable to the Brentlingers.

Life is full of unexpected events, and this was one of them. It was a heartbreaking event for the Brentlingers, but they managed to spend the brief period happily making memories for a lifetime.

“We made a lot of memories on these 11 days and spent such an amazing time with our beautiful family. We’re sad about the tragedy but thankful to God for providing us with the opportunity to spend time with our kid,” said Lindsay.