An autistic teen missing for 3 years was discovered after a call by a concerned citizen

It was just a miracle to find him alive. Keep reading and you will find the story valuable at some point in your life.

For a while, a young man was reported roaming in the area with a shopping cart along with him.

A citizen has noted that the boy was there for several weeks. With the concern of the suspicious person, they took steps to call upon the authorities in hope of help. Yet anyone was not acknowledged that the call is going to change several lives.

It was the morning of the 9th of April. The call was answered by The Summit County Sheriff’s office. Following the information, they drove to a gas station located at Kimball Junction.

Yet this wasn’t the first time that the concern was reported to the local sheriff’s office. However every time they tried to offer him aid, he keeps refusing to accept.

The sheriff’s office further stated that in n any of the instances he has not reported any law violations. Although he seemed to be in some kind of danger. He kept sleeping in the cold without any precautions. This may even have killed him.

Sheriff Martinez told FOX 13 that deputies had dispatched in the morning and had been dealing with the same person for a couple of weeks. He also told that in the following morning he seemed to shiver; he might have had a harsh night.

Anyhow, this time they were able to take him in their vehicle to warm up. While he was seated in the front of the car the officers used the opportunity to know more about the individual.

With all that he refused to tell what his name was. Luckily, he consented to a finger scan. This paved the way for the officer ls to get aware that he was a special needs person. ( The #AutismAwareness tag, on Facebook, mentioned on their Facebook helped them get aware)

The officers then started following through his details on their directory.

There they found something important; A warrant from Connerjack Oswald from Nevada. With Sheriff Martinez sharing the news with everyone, they understood that they were led to a new story.

So then on they began searching through the database of the National Center for Missing and exploited children. The scan continued for a long.

Finally, a file under the name Connerjack Oswalt was found. They worked on confirmation of their deduction. Afterward, they contacted a family following the information on the report. The family had moved from California to Idaho since they lost their living to a wildfire.

The call was from the officers that did surprise the Flint family. Gerald and Suzanne Flint had been expecting the call for a long time three years. This gave a halt to a nightmare in their life.

Gerald said that it was just incredible to find him alive.

” There wasn’t a dry eye in the house, and we were speaking of law enforcement. The family members had been reunited after 3 years. He was 16 and he is 19 now,” said Sheriff Martinez to Fox 13.

After a struggle of 3 years finally, Oswalt was reunited with his loved ones. They were thankful to the concerned citizen and the police officers that rose above their duty. This incident also highlighted how compassionate and empathic the police are.

“It’s looking at the bigger picture and feeling that there’s something here,” said Sheriff Martinez. “Although he had a warrant, there was a something more profound than these individuals — my deputies — felt like they needed to explore.”

Oswalt is now secure. He is under treatment and his family couldn’t be more grateful.
You can watch more in the video below.

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