The unfiltered snap of an exhausted mother breastfeeding her twins breaks the internet.

Mother was not expecting the image to gain much attention once uploaded online on social media.

Becoming a mother is one of the most exciting things in any women’s life. If we’re honest, those small glimpses are seldom, but they’re incredible. The filthy, disgusting, and gruelling moments while giving birth depicts the strength inside a mother. After seeing a snapshot of her taken by her husband, Amy Griffith realised this.

Amy Griffith, a mother of twin babies, unexpectedly went viral for a snapshot of her taken by her hubby.

The difficulty of motherhood doubles when you’re a mother of twin babies. It might be exhausting as the workload doubles, and it requires a lot of strength physically and mentally.

“I went to the clinic for a regular ultrasound checkup to see how far along we were in our pregnancy. After the test, the doctor said,’ I have some good news. There are two babes in your tummy.’ My husband will be surprised to hear this, I said to myself. And then ideas started flooding my mind. Am I strong enough? Can I do it? Will this workout,” Griffith said.

This was the most challenging time of Griffith’s life.

The first baby was born through typical natural delivery, while the second baby was more rebellious. Therefore, Griffith was forced to have a c-section, causing her to go through two different births in a row. Even after the delivery was completed, her part wasn’t yet ended.

Giving birth to twins is not easy. The mother’s body has to work much harder to feed the twins.
It could look like just doubling the milk, but it’s way harder.

Griffith was healing after the c-section and delivery while also producing double the amount of milk. She was doing her best for her babies. She was completely fatigued for the first few weeks, and there were no ways to convey it.

“I was feeling drained at times. I just gave my absolute 100 per cent. It was hard, with sleepless nights, bouts of mastitis, and sacrifices that I’d never imagined, but I did everything happily with love. Griffith explained that the word “fatigue” can’t come close to describing what I was feeling in the early weeks,” Griffith explained.

Her spouse took the picture during one of these “sessions.”

The snap depicts the pure love in a mother and a mother’s strength.
We observe Griffith seated straight up, nursing her infants, but she looks exhausted. And she fell asleep while breastfeeding the little ones.

No one can criticize her for sneaking a little bit of sleep because she is a supermom.

All mothers understand that every opportunity for rest is worth seizing. Because even a few minutes of sleep will bring a lot of comfort to the mother. After seeing herself in the snap, she decided to create her own twin mother support group.

The snap of Griffith feeding her babies got a lot of attention from all around the globe!

“I got a lot of love and appreciation from thousands of people. I’ve designed a twin membership program providing individualized assistance for mommies who are newly pregnant and nursing twins. I think it will be helpful for mothers to get through the exhausting early stage after having twins.”

All mothers understand the difficulty in raising twins. The problem of having a baby is doubled when you have twins!
Remember to share this with your loved ones.