A Random dance act of a teacher and his pupils for Uptown funk stole the watch time of thousands of people.

It started as a lighthearted approach to take his kids’ eyes back from their computers for a time and ended as one of the cutest practices on the web.

A teacher named Scott Pankey intended to inspire his pupils… Yet he was in doubt of how he could acquire that.

So he decided to get his pupils up and move them out of their seats with a random dance act.

However, the theater and tech teacher at New Tech High School in Dallas never anticipated becoming viral online in a matter of hours.

People really like Pankey’s flawlessly coordinated dancing routines.

The magnificent performance was, in fact, uploaded to YouTube in January 2015. Over a crowd of 14 million has watched it since then!

In the video, Pankey dances with far more than 200 of his pupils to Bruno Mars’ upbeat rendition of “Uptown Funk.” Following months of training, Pankey’s crazy notion worked, and everyone could carry out each step flawlessly.

Over the Christmas holiday, it all started. So, what initially inspired the teacher’s brilliant idea?

After hearing the song Pankey often enjoyed, he started dancing in his living room.

Pankey was so taken with the song’s rhythm that he created a choreographed dance for everyone to execute. But the following question in front of him was -would his pupils comply?

All his students were studying technology. They often struggle with drama. So they thought of rehearsing for the three weeks,” Pankey recalls.

Pankey motivated them by establishing a goal despite some of the students’ skepticism.

Pankey, who was privately planning to share the video with his Facebook pals to make it a bit popular, said to his pupils, ‘Guys, we’re gonna get 1,000 clicks.’”

Though that’s not what actually ended up happening.

Over a million people saw the clip the very first day it was available on YouTube!

The video soon gained attention from local news outlets and went viral. The video was shared by Jill Biden, Michelle Obama, and Bruno Mars, who also tweeted about it!

After all, of course, neither Pankey nor his pupils were prepared for such a massive response.

Everyone was astounded. Emails were coming in from all around the world… According to Pankey, they profoundly understood the difference they could make in the world.

Why would a clip of a teacher dancing with his kids to “Uptown Funk” cause such a media storm?

You’ll understand why if you see the video for yourself. It’s joyful, encouraging, and sure to make anyone grin. It is what we require at this moment!

Pankey sits at his desk in the video’s first scene, appearing bored. But as “Uptown Funk’s” opening rhythms start, something spectacular unfolds.

Pankey rises off his desk and begins to move to the music.

Students join in as he marches through the classrooms and corridors, adding their own dance routines as he goes. Over 200 kids soon swarm the stairway for the big finale.

Nevertheless, even though Pankey and his pupils make the movements appear simple, it’s incredible how polished the sequence seems, given that the instructor has no professional dance experience!

Watch the complete video below to watch Pankey and his pupils’ movements for yourself.

Also, Please be kind enough to share this with your loved ones to spread the joy.