“I Miss You Every Day.” Courteney Cox Honors Matthew Perry With Heartfelt Tribute.

The on-again, off-again relationship between Ross and Rachel in “Friends” was a big focus of the hit 90s show. But for myself and countless others, the best and most surprising couple was Chandler and Monica. The love and chemistry they had on-screen extended to a real-life friendship, and it’s one that fans have loved just as much.

Since Matthew Perry, the actor for Chandler, passed away on October 28, many of his former castmates have come forward with heartfelt messages. Just yesterday, Courteney Cox, who played Monica, shared one of her own on Instagram.

“I am so grateful for every moment I had with you Matty and I miss you every day,” Cox wrote. “When you work with someone as closely as I did with Matthew, there are thousands of moments I wish I could share … He was funny and he was kind.”

My heart goes out to Cox, the rest of the “Friends” cast, and Perry’s loved ones during this difficult time.