When a 7-year-old boy gets a puppy, he cries with happiness and tells it, “I’m your best friend now.”

Jensen Stuart had a hard week at school and cried most night when he got home.

His worried mother, Rebecca Browne, told the Daily Mail that she had the best parents because they had done something to surprise their grandson that made him cry with happiness.

The 7-year-old boy from Doncaster, England, was shocked to find the cutest four-legged friend in a box that he could see whenever he went to see his grandparents.

His reaction was caught on camera, which is a good thing.

Jensen could have a friend after he had a hard week at school and cried every night when his mom picked him up.

But everything changed when, one night when he got home from school, his grandparents were waiting for him with a box for him to open.

“Guess what?” asks his grandpa. Your grandmother and I have something for you.”

When he opens it and sees a cute black puppy, he runs to give his grandma the biggest hug while his mom lifts the puppy out of the box. Jensen starts crying as soon as he sees the puppy.

Boy’s new friend Buddy

Jensen tells his cute new friend, “I’m Jensen, and I’m now your best friend.”

His grandmother says the puppy will stay at their house and he can come over and play with it whenever he wants.

His mom posted a video of sweet Jensen and his new friend to Facebook, saying that her son was “absolutely buzzing and can’t wait to sleep till tomorrow to play with his ‘Buddy’.”

More than 500,000 people have already watched his cute video, which you can see below. Today, don’t forget to share it and show some love. ❤️❤️