He arrives at his graduation on the horse that took him to school every day.

When you are about to fulfill a dream, you will always want to have the most important people by your side. No matter the moment, time, or occasion, those who helped you get to where you are.

During a high school graduation, the news of a young man who arrived at the event mounted on a horse was released. Although the image may surprise everyone, he knew he needed to take the animal that took him so far.

Imer Baldovino Quevada, originally from Sucre, Bolivia, entered the event hall where guests and graduates were waiting with his horse named “Tormento”, who accompanied him on his way for many days to reach the Educational Institution “San Jose de Majagual».

The newspaper El Tiempo shared that Tormento and the boy shared the same route for almost two years, despite the obstacles of the weather or the extreme situations that could arise, such as muddy roads or river overflows.

It was during a flood by the Cauca River that the area where he lived was affected, so there was no means of transportation that wanted to take him, so he decided to accept the loan from Antonio Enrique Ordóñez, the owner of a nearby farm where he also worked for that he could use the horse.

The student says that on several occasions, he was late for classes, the teachers scolded him, and that sometimes he did not have time to eat breakfast and ate until he returned home with his mother.

Surprisingly, Imer rode to the graduation ceremony, thus making it very clear how proud he was of his origins and the effort it took to finish.

“I told the teacher that I wanted to go on my horse because he is my faithful friend, he accompanied me every day on those routes with floods and now he also had the right to go to my graduation,” he told the local media.

Although it is not customary, the corresponding school authorities accepted that the young student fulfilled his wish. After all, he was not hurting anyone.

Other attendees said they had no idea what Imer had to go through to get to school, so when they found out, they were pleasantly surprised and moved to find out.

“Everything is possible with effort, every sacrifice has its reward, there is no excuse for not studying,” he commented.