32-year-old daughter upset with her mother for being the mother of twins at 59. She doesn’t let him see her granddaughter

Lauren Cohen found love, got married, and decided to have kids at age 50. At 59, she finally gave birth to a set of twins, but little did she know that this would end her relationship with her 32-year-old daughter.

There is no age for love. It comes when we least expect it, and in strange ways, it is a beautiful feeling that should not be missed. Sometimes, the relationship ends, and you say goodbye to that person you loved, but it does not mean that the world is over because later, there may be another person that fate marked for you.

Lauren Cohen knows this feeling all too well. She is a woman who, at the age of 50, in 2002, met the one who would be the love of her life. Once married, she wanted to have children with him.

This is Frank Garcia, a man 20 years her junior whom she had seen in a dance class in New Jersey. After sharing a couple of dances, everything was inevitable. “I never thought he would be interested in a much older woman. He was a great dancer, so I asked him to dance one night and he said yes, ” she said of the moment.

The truth is that he wanted to be a father, and she did not want age to be an obstacle, so they began to attend fertility clinics.

Many turned them down, but in 2004 a clinic in Virginia, United States, said yes, and they began the extensive process of conception.

That’s how they managed to have their first daughter, whom they named Raquel, but what they didn’t expect was that a year later, Lauren would get pregnant again and now expecting twins. In 2006, at 59 years of age, she gave birth to Gregory and Giselle, making her the oldest mother to gestate and the oldest to have twins.

So far, so good. The couple was happy to be able to start a family despite the difficulties. But they did not imagine that the daughter of her first marriage, who was 32 years old, would be upset with her mother.

Lauren’s daughter would be upset to such a degree that she cut off all contact with her mother and would further take her away from her granddaughter Hannah. Despite her actions, Lauren doesn’t regret making her life with Frank.

These events meant great pain for her since she did not think she had to lose the experience of having other children. On the contrary, she hoped to have a large and united family.

Due to age, this mother has changed her lifestyle and now practices yoga and pilates. In addition, she is the mother of 3 young children, so she must stay strong. “I take 98 pills a week, a combination of medication and dietary supplements. I hope they last long enough,” she told the Mirror UK.