After Successfully Completing Its First-Ever Flight Between Airports, the Flying Car Successfully Converts Back Into a Sports Car in Just Three Minutes…

The bells should be rung in every direction, from Toledo all the way to Tokyo.

There is a possibility that flying cars, the means of transportation envisioned by authors of science fiction, will one day become a reality in our society.

A Slovakian pilot was doing a test flight in the city of Nitra when he was seen driving what seemed to be a high-end sports car up a runway.

After that, it took off with the assistance of a fixed propeller, landed 35 minutes later in Bratislava, and then folded its wings back up and drove straight out into the highway.

KleinVision, which was formed by Stefan Klein, was responsible for the development of the appropriately named AirCar (prototype 1).

Stefan Klein toiled away for twenty years to make his vision of a flying car a reality.

The Slovak inventor of the world’s first flying car, which was designed to travel between two airports, did so for an unbelievable low amount of money—approximately 2 million euro.

AirCar was able to achieve a cruising speed of 105 miles per hour (or 170 kilometers per hour) during its first flight at a height of 8,200 feet (2,500 meters.)

Because of its fuel efficiency, it would be able to keep up this trajectory for 600 miles (1,000 kilometers).

After the flying portion of its journey is complete, a push of a button initiates a Transformer-like sequence that transforms the vehicle into a slightly oversized, perfectly road-legal sports car with a 160 horsepower gas-powered BMW engine, a seat for another passenger, and a convertible roof.

This transformation takes less than three minutes to complete.

Planes and helicopters must have a record of incident-free flight that spans a significant amount of time in order to be approved for use in accordance with the standards in effect today.

A research fellow in avionics from the University of West England named Dr. Stephen Wright gave an interview to the BBC in which he stated, “I have to confess that (the AirCar) looks extremely cool—but I’ve got a hundred worries regarding certification.”

“I can’t wait to see the piece of paper that says this is safe to fly and safe to sell,” you said. “I can’t wait to see it.”

This year, one business was successful in obtaining certification for a flying car. Terrafugia was established in 2006 by five graduates of MIT’s engineering program.

In 2012, the company flew for the first time their flying automobile, the Transition, at an airport in Plattsburgh, New York.

Terrafugia has accepted deposits on pre-orders for one hundred of their vehicles, each of which will retail for close to a quarter of a million dollars and come equipped with their own own parachute and a flight range of approximately 480 miles.

Terrafugia was finally acquired by a Chinese business in 2017, following several years of product delays and the return of deposits paid by clients.

However, in January of this year, they made the announcement that the Transition had at long last been granted a Special Light-Sport Aircraft (LSA) airworthiness certificate by the Federal Aviation Administration of the United States.

The difficulty is that the flying automobile can’t be driven since its safety on the road has not been validated through a series of different crash tests.

By February 2021, Terrafugia had terminated the employment of the majority of its workforce and announced that it would cease operations in the state of Massachusetts in preparation for relocating to China.

At the very least, they demonstrated that obtaining FAA certification in the United States is not impossible.

Klein Vision has specified that they are looking to take a share out of the aircraft market with the AirCar, not the auto market.

Morgan Stanley estimates that the flying car market over the next 20 years will be worth more than a trillion dollars, which is similar to the buzz that has arisen around the recent boom in private spaceflight.

Klein Vision is looking to take a share out of the aircraft market with the AirCar.

Klein Vision is planning to add additional power to the engine of their prototype vehicle so that it may reach a top cruising speed of 186 miles per hour.

Meanwhile, other firms such as Hyundai, Toyota, and Volkswagen are investigating the possibility of developing their own flying cars.

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