Boy Visits Twin Brother’s Grave to Tell Him about First Day in Kindergarten: ‘He Watches over Me’

Twins are sometimes claimed to have mystical connections, from reading each other’s minds or experiencing what the other is experiencing from a long distance. However, does this special bond exist beyond the grave?

Walker Myrick and his twin brother Willis Myrick were meant to make their way into this world alive, crying, and most of all, together.
Tragically, however, Willis could not live due to TTTS or twin to twin transfusion syndrome. This led to him passing away while still inside the womb.

Walker Myrick lying on his late twin brother Willis Myrick’s gravestone. │Source:

Walker Myrick lying on his late twin brother Willis Myrick’s gravestone. │Source:


Although he is physically absent, the twin’s mother, Brooke Davis, claimed that her son appears to have a special relationship with his brother even though he has passed. Davis said:

“It’s just one of those things. I truly believe he’ll always have a connection with his brother.”

The twin always had dreams about his siblings and was taken to visit Willis’s grave, where he would tell him about what was happening in his life. His mom sometimes would take photos of him doing so.


One particularly moving picture was taken in 2012 when then-9-year-old Walker began Kindergarten. He leaned on his brother’s grave and told him about his whole first day. Davis expressed:

“Willis truly lives through Walker – and I think he watches over him.”

Recalling the day, the mother remembered how enthusiastic her son was, jumping out of the car before she could even get out herself.


In a video taken on Christmas of 2016, the young boy himself affirmed this connection to his other half. In his own words, Walker said:

“I still remember my brother today, and he watches over me all the time.”
Brooke has expressed that her son’s bond with his late brother has given her some inner peace, among all the pain that losing a child brings with it.


However, what she, her husband, and her whole family went through from the death of Willis was still highly traumatic. Therefore, wisely turning her pain into her purpose, this mother chose to take action.

“The Walker and Willis Birthday Walk” is now held every year, complete with an auction and t-shirts on sale for fundraising.

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